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Mounds Yiew Planning Oom!vieeioa <br />Page 5 <br />June 20, 1979 <br />9(Goebel/Hurmeieter) to hable the xequa~t for variance. <br />3 eyee <br />(*Commission Members Freemora~ 4 naya* <br />Fedor~ Ola¢er 6 Chai.rpereon Haake) <br />Commieriou Member Ooebel ataeod hie raaeon for moving to table tha matter <br />was bacause the raquaet had uot be,+n placad o¢ the aga4da aad he fe1C it <br />ehould gu ttirough proper nhannals. <br />MBA (8ador/Freemor~) to grant a varianae to Thomae 9hun at 7980 9unayuide <br />Road to allow for an 83-foot front yard eetback. Thie varlauce is gtantad <br />in conalderation for the nntural wooded featuree and predominant alignment <br />oP ad~acent etr,ucturae. <br />6 ayee <br />(*COmmieelon Membar ~oebel) b nay* <br />Off7.cia1 Roea presenL•sd Co Che Planning Commiueioa a requeet Sox variance <br />fsom Mnynard Bowman, 0046 Lang Laka Aoad, for a 5-foot side yard setback. <br />TLe applicant neade a permit for remodeliog a breeaeway intu a lsmily <br />room nnd putting in a driveway i¢ tho rear yard. Hr. Bowman hsd etartad <br />work befor~ tbn buLldiog paxm~t wse ~uthorized. Staff wae alerted Co thie <br />via a Councilmawber and went to hie xesident r,o cauCion him rugarding <br />furb4ar mork without a valid permit. Offlcial Rose indlcatad tqe neighoor, <br />Nr. Fador, hae no obJection to the eide qnrd eatbask; hovever, he doee <br />ob~ect to vindowe propoead dppoeite hie vindoae. <br />ummieeion MemUer Fedor asked to etep dowa bacauoe of conilict of icGareet, <br />~Hr. Sowmaa stated ha had applied for a pesmlC and wae told by Hob ~ , <br />thal• thn heak lose factor pam naaded, but he could etart diggiAg acd ;i <br />gettSng ready. Now he'e bnan told he'e building illegally and he would '~ <br />like to be legal. Na furkher etatad rie hae takan time off vork to build r <br />aad aauld like eoma direction. Ra indicated tLe propoead windopa Would <br />mesenre 4 feet long, 2 faat vide and would be placad 6'4° uff tha ground; <br />eeainad glaee may even be propoeed. <br />~ 9fPiaiel Roee etated hie impreeeion wae to put a"ekop vork" order inasmuch <br />~ .au we have not agreed on Plaoniug Commieelo~ Se <br />aekad Yo act on the xindove and satback. <br />Gommiaeion Member Fsdor etatad his father would like tu com~ant ~n tha <br />matter. He felt h!e fsther wae entitled to Chie oppoztunity,~aeC ao tha <br />naighbor incolved in l•he MeDonald'e addition. <br />Of£icial Roee cautioned the Planning Commiseion to base their decimion on <br />realltSee rather than Gha paople involved--tha conctlrn ehould be for how <br />Mounds View lo devalope,~ and paople aran't alwaye going to e5rae. <br />MSP COlazar/Burmeiecar) to table Ehe raqueet for Mayaard bawmsn dum'to <br />lack of neighbcr°e input, and the lateaeee of tha hour. <br />6 ayes <br />~ <br />