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1979-10-17 PC Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
1979-10-17 PC Minutes
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l . i <br />KOUltDB 9*_S:v PLANNINC OOMMI8Bx011 8~yular M~~tioa <br />~ 4aa~ `s Octobor 17, 1974 <br />~ •_..___• ..............~_..-..__^_......_...'...-..._.-..----..`-.-.....'.. <br />'p~dor ead• th• eo[l.on, ~oaoad~d by Olae~r, <br />; ~o L~ble h.h• vsrianc• r~quo~E for Dan <br />~ ~ tmt~r~an imtll kh• n~xC s~~tin~. BEatL <br />a~ dir~at~d eo ~urs~y ~urroundinQ ca~wuaiti~~ <br />r~~ardloa th~ix driwway r~quir~n~nb~ !or <br />~ ehre~-car aaraQu . <br />4 sy~~ <br />2 nay~ <br />(Aay vot~s Duzs~i~ter, Blanch~rd!.) <br />9lu~on~ F~it that Plannioa Oos~ir~ion ~, <br />h~d oot had •n ov+rwh~lnlna nu~b~~r o: 1~ <br />r~qu~at~ Eo hav~ larg~r driv~rayo. J <br />A~-rritina Eh• ordinanca wauld ~ac~ Eo II ~~ <br />b• an ~tte~pt to fit the violaCloa ot ;~ <br />a law. Ie wl11 probably be addra~~ad ~1 <br />ic tha Curprahen~iva Flnn a¢ywey.) <br />Applioant vi~hee L•a ranodcl Li• preoaaC 4. 11IOOLAI 08DAriL <br /> csr parage, ehua expandiaa h1e SOl6 Gx86dp00D D&I9S <br />li~ina ~Raca, A aew garaQe !s propoaed VASLAHCS/D8IYR1)AY BSTBAC& <br />eo b• buliC in tLQ x~ar yard, Driv~way CABE f41-79 <br />to th• n~r gera;• would ba axpaod~d Ro <br />Cha ~outh lot lina in an effort tn sava <br />a 14xy• traa. Code 40.07 Subd. D, 8, o <br />raqdita~ a^ininus of Siva feat of araen <br />rat alou~ dki=a areas. 9f.e lo! Se a 75' <br />rontaga lot, which is substandard by today~s <br />standards (8S feat). <br />Applicant stat~~ the hardship is his <br />de~ira to sava n be~utiful tres and the need <br />fnr additional living spece. <br />Fedqr radc ths ~otion, s~coudad by Darm~istsr, <br />to eable eha drivsvay eetback varianc• <br />raquast for Nicola! Ordahl until Chs uest <br />mactiaQ. Btaff is directed to uotiPq Eha <br />ad~acent naighbor to the eoutb of thi~ <br />varlanca raquaeE as it may placa C6a <br />drivewaygpproximstely oo hie propercy <br />line. <br />6 ayas <br />0 ¢ays <br />Chairparson Haako received a draFt oF tho prbp6"sed 5. NSXT A.GBNDA AND <br />City Charter dated October'4, 1979.' PRBVIOUS COUIICIL ACTIONB <br />8oee noCifiad tha Planniaa Co~misslon <br />oP a apaclel maalinR achadul~d for <br />10l24/79. Membet• were inatructad to <br />reviaw tha Qoale aod p~licim• aection of <br />tba a:irting Conp. Plan ae this will b• <br />~a~Pa~7Ed. <br />Jrij5~.':. . . <br />
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