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MOUqDB YStiW PLANNINO CO14NI88ION N~Sular MI~aC1oQ <br />~ Pa4u 2 Movub~r 7, 1979 <br />_'.~_.___..`__°_~-__.__~__._.....~ ...............~..~_.._..__•__•___.. <br />Pedur w~da th• aotion~ e~eoud~d bp lrsroore, A. MiegGAE ^EO~~L~ <br />~ Cu r~acea tha Ocdrhl soqu~~t for driv~way 5056 OAtEhN00D DRIVR <br />~~tb~ch vMrlaoas fros tha tabl~. DBIVZNAY B~TDACX ~AHIANC6! <br />8 q~s CA86 fAl-79 <br />0 nars , ` <br />Applle~nC v~nt~ to r~eod~l hl~ •xi~tiag <br />•lnsl• Sar~a• attac4~d Co hi~ hou~• lnto <br />~dditional lirisa ~paca~ aud td~o build ~> <br />Cr9-rt~21 aar~a~ !n hi~ r~~r yard. Du~ to <br />th• loaaeloa o! a er~~, Ch• driv~way qqae~~~ry <br />fox th• u+v Q~raB• vould n~ad to b• •xpaod~d <br />to ep~ south lot 11n~, which r~puira~ ~ <br />varlauce. The atatad L~rduLlp ror uir,nr~d <br />!ot add2ilonal 11vin~ •paca and Lio d~~ir• <br />to oavs a beau!ltul oLd er~a. <br />S4l~ natt~c Na~ [abled •e Kho IO/17/79 reeeing <br />a¢d 8t~ff a~e dlrect~d to eontact tha adgacaAt <br />naiQLbor Co tLa •outh o: thl~ requut. Tha <br />El~n~k!'~ ae 5051 LonQ L~k• Road felt thi~ <br />propo~~d actlon ri;ht eraata th• ue~d Por <br />•ddiElooal ~rint~nanca; t6~y quaetionad <br />rh~ih~r it would d~praelat• th• proparC~i <br />and •tat~d tho~ would not wi~6 eo soll a 5' <br />•trip o! ebair l~nd to OrdaLl. <br />~ Feaa~oxa *sda che aotion, •ncoadad by Quan, <br />to d~cy tha r~quaat for drivavay •atbeck <br />vaxiaaca for Nicolai Orda61, 5056 Cra~nwood <br />Dri~e, due ta lae~ ef haedsuip at~t~d. <br />7 ayes <br />(N~y votes 9aaka) 1 naq <br />~aak• explainad to Ordahl hs had tha oprion <br />uf t~kin~ td• ~aCe~r bafore tha Ci[y Conucil <br />if he ai~d~d to puraue !t. <br />Dur~aist~r statad, for tha racurd~ that in t41~ <br />c~s• th• Pl~nnin~ Coa~i~~io¢ wa~ conc~rnsd abopt <br />th• Y~ct lk~t t.h• dtivaway would b• locat~d on <br />thn loe lina Rnd aisht pose a proble~ 1P t6e loC <br />was sold !n t6• Puture. Other option• wigkt be <br />axpaodia; tha houaa in othax v~ye, or <br />tha tree. <br />A praliwlnary plat of ehi• proparGy vas <br />reviswad bq Pl~ncina Co~sirrion !a ~~nuar~I~ <br />of 1979. Thi• raquere ra• withdrawn by tbl~ <br />applica¢t in April. ZoainQ aod l~ua u~• pilas <br />daaote~ tha area u 8-1. RlLODSR~ requast~,for <br />1 ots 5 and 6 fran R-1 to R-2 is typicai of other; such <br />~ quests on a minor arteria7 (Cuunty Rd. I). Lot 7;' <br />CODt~IS99 an azistlaa doq kannel. Fronta~i~ <br />cod• taq~ir~ments sz+ aot *et bq ell loer <br />bacau~e of aon-continuance of an old qodr <br />pmrtaining to 160' lotr. I,~~; <br />6. PflANKLIN P6N0 <br />7700 LONa LARB BOAO <br />!(AJU& SODDIVIBION~ <br />{6 1ot~ icto 10) <br />~&'L~E:YNR, (Z loCr fro^ <br />re- 8-1 ?0 8-2? <br />,~ . <br />~ <br />/ '~~ <br />//~r/ ' . <br />ll I <br />I <br />