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MOOND9 VIEW PIANNI~~ COMMI88SON B~Sular Ma~einQ <br />,~ y~gr 9 Norub~r 7, 1979 <br />_._~~.~.._________________••____....~_._..__..__.°__....._°____...~___• <br />A wat~r r~l~aelon •raa has heen revtewed by S.E.H, 6. 1FitANR V8li0--MAJOR <br />and 1s in confotmance with Resolution N983, with BUDDIVIBION (Cone'dD <br />minor modifications. Services are stubbed to <br />~'~ proprrty lin~e ~or Lote 1-4 winh lok 7•lraady <br />ueinQ •~rvic~. 8~rvia~s •r• ~vailabl• at tha <br />airsee for loe~ 6 and 8-10, Watar only !~ <br />rtubb~d to lot 3 alih ~ae~r •t th• ~tr~~t. <br />Th• gradln~ aod <br />drainra• plon vill indicae• dsainaQ~ of all , <br />loGS, and will n~t ba~~aase •l~vrtioas. <br />Doadtag for. ~iogl• faAllr lot~ •hall b• $500 <br />•rcb ond $1,OOU •aah for 2-f~rilq lot~. <br />8ape~s~ctina Mr. Vano da• Yictor Nill~lla <br />of 9uadial Raal~y. <br />7l~~ke oad• tha wvrion, •~eondad by Bl~uchard, <br />thaG a~ r~co~e~nd to Council appro~Rl of th• <br />r~que~t !or ~e~or subdlvi~lon of b lot• lnto <br />10 tor Fr~akllu Vano, 7700 LanQ Lak~ fload, <br />~nd to r~soo~ Dot• 5 aud 6 fror ~-1 ~0 8-2. <br />tLi• •ubdiolsloa rovld ba don• !o •ccordance <br />vith the pxeliminary plat d~tad Janu~r~ 1979 <br />pr~santed to PlrnniaQ Cossiosion aG this <br />~~rCin~~ alon~ vith a u~w~nt^ iedicae~d on <br />t~a Dr~port Acra• plao. This i• •ub~~ct to <br />a dav~lopwat aQrea~ane with t6a Cit~. ' <br />~ 4 syas <br />i7ay voC~~: Quam, Dur~eictar, 4 nay• <br />lraaros~. Pedor. <br />a~~~on~ l~dor ~tatad Eie faeling that th~re <br />!• ano~eh Eroneaga to conForu to tha 85' <br />front~Q• eod~e and lhrre wr~n't <br />hard~hip to ~u~lify th• uncoafor~ity.) <br />Haaka •est~d at Chir point ie aas h~r i¢tantio¢ "" <br />to recoi~~nd tha Snclu~Son of tho ovarsight <br />£row tha old frontsga cod• that war not <br />carriad ovar to ~hm naw coda. <br />Aarran Johnson, 7730 Or~aaaood Drive, eaid ha <br />fa1C tha 82.5' lot is ampla rised, and zha <br />nroposad pondina !r feariblo. Ha Maot ou to <br />aq tLat L6• valer problem had ~re~ted hard <br />f~eling~ on kha previou• propoeal. Hs said <br />the rneid~n!• ar• conaerued, however, that if <br />fill dirt i~ 6rought Sn, t6a wetar Cable vould <br />ri~e. <br />(Pea Hountin le£t the uaating at thi~ tlma, 8t55.) <br />~ <br />:~-; i <br />