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~ <br />i MOUNDS VIOW PLAIrNING COFAIIS5ION Ragular Meeting <br />~ Page 7 ---------------------------------------February 4, 1981 <br />°---------'-----------°-- -'---'------- <br />r_., Mounds Viaw bn dntermined, 2) the davelopmanC show a <br />r plai of property, S) the daveloper giva as speoifia <br />an indication as possibla of tha proposad use of tho <br />property. <br />Ayes-5 Nays-0 MAIN MOTION CARRIED <br />AMBNDMBNT TO MAIN MOTION/Second; Glaxar(McCarthy <br />move to eve uate t e nu sance potantial with raspect <br />to passnges, chamical pallutants, eutrophic ngents, <br />odor, undesirable v6gatation and tha amount of <br />increased xun-off in d~veloping. <br />Ayas-5 Neys-0 AMBNDt~NT 7'0 MAIN MOTION <br /> CARRIED <br />Commissionor Breske notod'that he felt the comments <br />were not diract anough for tho Council to understend <br />tha Plsnning Cammission~s feelings on this issue. <br />hYJTION/Second: Glazer/McCarthy movad that tha Planning <br />o~ s~s o-~un first review of this propasal wou1Z <br />~ recommend that the City noL pursua the joint powers <br />and limited use parmit at this tima until further <br />study of the wotlands and open space ~eeds currently <br />baing addressed was completed. <br />/-\ <br /> <br />~~; <br />{ Ayes-5 Nays-0 MOTION CARRIBD <br />This was dnfarrad until the next meeting. 9. RBVIB~A OF SHORBVIHW <br />, COMPREHBNSIVC PL.4N- <br /> Josey Warren <br />Commissioner Braske reviawed his coimnents to the 10., REVIBW OP ARDHN HILLS <br />Commission as statod in his 2/4/81 memo-(F.xhibit B). COMPREHHii$IVE PLAN- <br />Upon Chairperson Mountin's directiva, he had Kan Braske <br />raviewed the plan and fuund no problems with tho <br />document. <br />The Commissionars noted some minor changas to 11. FINAL DRAPT APPROVAL <br />Official Rose. Warren and GJ.azer statrd thay wauld 0~+ HOUSING FLAN <br />like to sea 2ha formula usad by Matropolitan Council <br />in datermining that Mounds View~s fair share of low <br />and mor3erate lncom~ is 220-250 units through <br />1990. <br />MOTION Sacond: Laeding/McCarthy movod to approve <br />tTie~fious ng plari us presantr.d this evening with the <br />noted corractions given to Official Rose. <br />Ayes-4 Nays-3 (Glazer) <br />NAY VOTE: Glazer notod this plan doasn~t raprasent <br />~ ~ his t~inking and ha is not comfortable with the <br />!.~ plan as writtan. Speclfically tha plan is <br />seadad with goels and policy statements that <br />ara almast obsequious with •reapact to nccommodating <br />