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MOUNDS VIEW PLANNING COFa1IS5I0N Reguler Meeting <br />Paga 6 Pebruary 4, 1991 <br />---------'-'-° °--'-°-------------'---^--'--------------'--'--°---------°--"' <br />~ <br />prasent. Ito did state the 2 foot bnrm could be <br />eliminated and it wns also thair concern ta save Cha <br />wetlands. <br />Chsirparson Mountin left at 9:15 p.m./V~ce-Chaiiinan Lcading chaired for hor. <br />~ ', <br />~ <br />Mr. Higenheer notad ha hed liean pursuing 4his projest <br />fo~~ S~ years ~roW and he wes amciaus to mava ahead. <br />~MO'fION ~S~econd: Werren/McCerthy meved to table the <br />request from Mr, 8lgenhear (Case 65-80) for e major <br />subdivision until recaiving tha determination from <br />Rica Creek Watershed District. <br />Ayes-5 Nays-0 Abstarttions-1 (Breska-He stated he hed <br />a conflict of inLerest <br />on this particular request). <br />In summary, Vica-Chuirman Loeding noted: <br />1. The plat includes portions of the existing <br />wetlands, but such inclusion tright not be <br />allowable undar ths~City's ordinance. <br />2. If a wetlands ordinonce is passed, the <br />legal boundaries established by th~ <br />ordinance are likely to differ fram <br />thoso showtt on the present ~lat, <br />3. The present proposal does not demonstrate <br />that the existfng wetlands cannot be pra- <br />served under the present proposal nor ' <br />does 1E demonstrate that the existing <br />w~tlands can bo preserved after development. <br />Commissi~ner Miller laft the meetir~g at 9:45 p.m. <br />Tha hlanning Commission rocessed at 9:45 p.m, and <br />convenad again at 9:55 p.m. <br />Tha Planning Commission discussed this issua briefly. <br />The comments included: <br />Warren-She doesn't llke the plan and wauld liko <br />t~oTable to provide more input on this issue <br />in tha fature. <br />Glazar-He would racommond denial of tha document <br />u6 t would like to xeviaw new information as it <br />davelops. <br />McCarth -Sha stated that before the Commission <br />loo s at ~any plat proposal, they should look at <br />the probYem~ that mny exist with this particular <br />typa nf ngraement. <br />~ <br /> <br />8. MnDOT-Blaine-Maunds Viaw <br />Limited Use Pern}it and <br />Joini Powars Agreemant <br />y'a~. <br />j '~ MQTTON/Sacond: Loeding/Warren movad that Lha A2anning <br />'`/ omm~is.s3on iecommends un interim recommendation co tho <br />City Council thet, 1) the uti2lty of Yhe outlot to <br />