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' MOUNDB VIEN PLANNINO COMNI80ION Aegular Maoting <br />Poge-s•_-...-.-..• ........................,.....-...... .._...March~4~_1981_ <br />MOTION/Bacoadt WarranlMLlLaY moved to acoept <br />Reeolution No. 09-91, re2oning requeat for Carley <br />f- tturr Co. (The resolutian ie attached to theee <br />~ <br />~ <br />nuteel~ <br />o~ye~ 1 nay (Nountin) HOTION CARRIiD. <br />~, Nav voe~t Hountin d!d noC fael thn ptoparey <br />~hould ba rasoaed but tha raeolutioa doenn'C <br />~ raflaa! bha naed eo oon~id~r bringing our <br />pres~nt I-1 indu~Orial u~e~ to current <br />ktchnologicsl d~volopmant through conditional <br />uoe permlts Co the typ~s oP lqdu~tries that <br />vould be cocpstible. (Harren did noe Eeel <br />ehie pae garmeine to thie ~seue,) <br />Mr. Carlay sald ha needad e dafinite "yes" or <br />"no" •s roon Ra poesf.bla. <br />Hrasks axpraeeed tha Eaeling Ghat Pianalog Cummi~eion <br />had rid~~tsppad Lha lo~u~ and lad tha •pplicant o0 <br />by ~llowing h1~ eo puraua t81a xaquaer aad norr it <br />i L~r bacoma unde~lrable. <br />I MOTIONI$~condt Arrren/Hlllax maved that th• Plsnning <br />, Commi~~ion, by mid-Aprl1, r~view ehs cure~ut eode <br />r~quir~mont~ for indu~Erl~l epplicatloa Pcrt <br />i <br />1) poes153a modificaCion 2) updatiqg 3) ailouabla <br />~ u~as, or 4) or leaving tha ~ama. <br />ey+~e 1 nay (~lazar) MOTION QAR[lIBD. ' <br />-- ~ voi~~ Olaaar l~lt CAay h~d ~ufficiant <br />inlotm~tion ~nd opportunity to ravlaw tho <br />r~qw~t and it should ba ~udg~d on ite ovn marito. <br />Plaoniag Cnmmia~ioc w~e a~kad by Oity Counell to 7. Law Dao~lty (A-1 6 R-2) ', <br />~ddz~u &-1 to R-2 conc~r~Lons. Requir~m~nts b tlrit~ria <br />for Razoning--Racommanda-I <br />Mountin amphe~iaad ehaC Planning Comwi~~loa tion eo City Oouncll <br />vants all tetonlag sppllca0lon raqn~~t~ to <br />weot all r~quiremaot~. <br />Lo~dipa ~~ld th~t compstibility baCvaan 8-1 6 I <br />8-2 !~ naaded to avuid "~poe caaiag". This <br />l~d to • dl~cu~rion ot Ch• datinitiona ot i <br />"loq dan~ity" and °~pat cooiog". <br />MOTiONJS~candt Lo~ding/br~~ka mov~d to acaept <br />&~solutlon 30-81 a~ corr~ctad. (Thio r~~olutioa <br />is att~cdad ta •:~e mLnuCe~.) <br />7 ayaa 0 n~y~ NOTION CARSI6D. <br />Plancing Qommisaion axtnud~d th~oks to Commi~~ion~r 8. 8~comm~ndelloa tc <br />Hre~ka Lor hi~ raviaN ot th~ Atcd~n Hills Compr~- Approv• Ard~a Hill• <br />,~iansive Plant his rapor0 i~ aitac6ad ro theo• Coop Pl~n, A~r.6-81 <br />}nutes. <br />~TION S~cond~ Sra~kalMf.ll~r ¢ov~d to spprova <br />e~o ut an -81. <br />7 eye~ 0 nay~ MOTION CARBIBD. <br />