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• MOUNDS VIE~ PIANNINO OOMMi88I0N Regular MeeCiag <br />Pa~e 6 Hazch 4, 1981 <br />i Pla~ning Commiealon extanded than a eo Oommieeioner 9, Recommeu at on to <br />Warren for har revlea of tha 9horaview Compre- Approve 9horeview <br />~ eqeive Plan; hep report ie aCtached to Cheae Comp Plan, Ree. 5-81 <br />~ ~nutae. <br />There wae coneiderable diecuealon ao to ahether <br />or not Sb.oreviaw euificlantly addeeeeed Ehe eirporC <br />quaetion. <br />NOTION/Becand: Warren/Miller moved to approva <br />Reeolueion 5-81 as arStiten. <br />Note -- Shoraview'e diecuesion of tha airport }.~eus <br />leaVee ue in doubt ea to what thoir contingency <br />plane might be, i.e., lnvite them to reapond, <br />Miller fele the Mounde Ylew City Council <br />ehould aek Bhoreviev CiCy Council about <br />kha alrport ieeua, rather thao include in <br />thd re~olutiaa. <br />Harren agreed wlth Millar. <br />Olaser Ehe alrport iesue ehould be <br />cddreseed in the reaolutioa. <br />McCare6v ngreed with 6lazer. <br />Loadina " " " <br />8raeka " " " <br />.MOTION/8acond: Rlaaer/McCarthy moved to Cab1e Che <br />~CSon on approval of Raeoluriod 5-81 for further <br />Lecuseioa to formulete the languege to addreee Lha <br />eirport lesue.~ <br />6 ayee 1 aay (Breeke) MOTION CARRISD. <br />Hev voCe; Braeke doeen't feel thin would be <br />coneletant with the other approvale slready <br />given to other communitiee. <br />MOTION/Sacond: Braeke/MeCatthy moved to approve 10. Racommendation to <br />ChepCar 32 antitled "Plapniug 4ommiseion" ae Approve Chepter 32, <br />corrected. (The Resolutlon ie attachnd.) Reeolutioa 7-81 <br />7 eyea 0 naye MOTION CARRISD. <br />H02IOti/Sacond: Loeding/McCarthy moved to apptove 11. Recommendation Eo <br />Che Compeshenaive Plan uprlate "COmmunity Imyrove- Approve CommpniEy <br />meot Plan" enb~ect ta final proofreading, Improvemank Plen <br />7 ayee 0 naye <br />MOTION CARRIED. <br />I Clazet reported that the county hae 9 euch 12. M.T~.C. Patk-Ride <br />k facilltiee planned~ ewo of which ovarlap aith Yacility, Caee 74-81 <br />~ the etate'e fecilitiee. Tao nearby areae ara for <br />I 6 35W and 96 & 35W. They havun't gotten Eunding <br />i t r.oet eetimaeas ware low compered r,o tha coat <br />j L•imata pro~acted by the etate for building ona <br />~ ~f Hwy 10. The etate will be happy to aeaiat with <br />ehrubbexy or eccaeo requiremeate with reepect to tha <br />~ <br />i; <br />