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r~. , <br />Mounds Yiew Pianning Comnisslon Mey E, 1581 <br />Pegular Meeting Pege Ntne. <br />---------- °..... ° °---° °-°-----°----°--°°-^.._.......-°------° °°. <br />6 ayes 0 nays <br />^ouncitmember Forslund lefC et 11 58 p.m. <br />~ Motioa Second: McCarthy/6lezer movad to diroct <br />ste o n oren the Beyport Uevelopers of the <br />setbnck requ) rements for Beyport. <br />22. Sat6ack requtrements for <br />eayport Acres, <br />Motion Carrled. <br />Perks/Recreetion end Forestry Oirector Anderson <br />revlewed the 511ver View Park Master P1an. Ne <br />s teted that the park erea was 51.9 acres. He <br />showed graph9c of Pien and changes that had been <br />made tn the Plan. tie stdted that the Park is <br />1n the Center of the City. Further that 30 <br />ecres wi11 be active park and 42 acras witl be <br />open space. Park enCrance off of Bronson was <br />dlscussed. <br />23. Silver View Park Mnster <br />Plen <br />Metion Second: Mountin/Nbrren moved to advis: <br />e.. Y ounci] that they have revlewed the <br />concept plan for S11ver View Park and recammend <br />epproval . <br />fi ayes 0 nays <br />Mountin asked to discuss the Planning Commissioq's <br />~ role 1n park development guideline at the next agenda Z4• <br />~ session as requested by the Parks, Recreation & for- <br />.,,~,. estry Directnr. <br />Comnlssion comneoded staff for che preparation af <br />this lengthly agenAe and 9nformation. <br />Motian Second: Mountin/McCarthy moved to have a <br />eso u on rewn up whlch reads as fo7lows: <br />Whereas, the City Councli is reviswing Ordinance <br />303 eoncerning the parking of dlesel trucks an <br />~ residentiet proper~ty, and <br />Whereas even newer and more quiet diesel trucks <br />eng4nPS produce 80 to 83 dba at ideling speed. <br />(reference Walter 8utler, Presidnnt Waltar Butier <br />Company) and, <br />Wherees, the average set6ack between t4ounds View <br />homes is less than 30 feet and this noise wt11 not <br />Ce su~stantially descipeted, <br />Therefore be 1t resoived, that the Pianning <br />• Comnisslon recomnands W the Ctty Councll thet the <br />proposed Ord"nance 3Q3 permltting the pnrking of <br />trucks In residentlai areas not be epproved. <br />Motiorr Carried. <br />tlscuss past cauncil actions <br />and next agenda. <br />,,,. 3 ayes 3 nays (Warren, M111er and Glnzer voted MoCionaFa~i~s~rjor )eck of <br />~ nay?. ~'• <br />~~„~ G azer: Should be hendled by Etected <br />a c n1s. Trucks to him are not as <br />dis wpttve as the publlc bus system. <br />Warren: She respects the truek iesue. <br />