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;_ <br />~ <br />,r-~ <br />(ti/ <br />hbunds View Pienning Comnisslon May 6, ~9U1 <br />REgular Meeting __Page Eight. <br />° ,.---------------------------°---°--------------°---°°-----° ~-~--~- <br />Vote wes laken by cetling of the roll on the <br />origlnel motion. <br />2 eyes 3 rteys 1 ebstention hbtlon Fe11s. <br />(Glazer, Narren end M111er voted nay, <br />Breske ab~teined). <br />Motion Second :Warren/Glazer moved to accept <br />esolut an 23-e1, to deleta the lenguegc and <br />lnserE new lenguage, beceuse tiie dete of app11- <br />cetlon wes we11 before eny Wetland Ordinance wes <br />fineilzed. (A copy of the rdwritten Resolution <br />Ss atteched). <br />3 ayes 2 neys 1 ebstsntton Motlon Carried. <br />(Mauntln snd McCarthy voted nay). <br />~M~cGbrth,~~ Feeis that ow the advice of <br />s~af~ and Council, she does nat feel khis <br />actlon is appropriate at tMs time. <br />Mountin: Cancurred. <br />Commissioner Glazer left at 11:40 p.m. <br />Those ir aLta~dance were Ed Doiiatalle, Joe Ryan, 19. Donntalle's Supper flub <br />7G99 Knollwood. 2900 Hlghway 10 ~ Oevelopmont <br />Review - Change 1~ Use - <br />Official'ROse reviewed staff consideratlons. Mr. Case No. fi6-H1 - Resolutlon <br />I~yan staCed tha~ in connec Non with the remodeling No. 26-81 <br />they are contemplating another exit to be constructed. <br />Atso, that the 6uilding ai11 be sprlnkled. A ladtes <br />wash room fac111ty w111 be lnstelled on t,he mein 1eve1. <br />The bottle shop wi11 be converted lnto a lounge. <br />Mr. D6nate1le st.ated that they w111 submit a 1eLter <br />to the f,ity regarding the future perking lmprovement <br />property purchase. <br />Discusslor Wok place on the 3 points in'Resotut~on <br />Nn. 26-81 that wou7d be required in the Development <br />Agreement. <br />~btion Second: McCarthy/Werren moved to eccept <br />R'eso u on o. 26-91 as written. (Resotution is <br />ottached). 6 ayes 0 nays <br />hbtlon Second: Warr~n/McCar~thy rtwved to eccept <br />so u on~. 5-el as wrltten. (R6salution <br />is atteched). <br />6 ayes 0 nays <br />Mot:ion Cerried. <br /> <br />20. Tsolution No. 5-81 - <br />recommeAdetion to approve <br />Shorevlew Canprehensive Plen. <br />Motlon'C~rrled. <br />Motion Second: Glezer/McCarthy moved to re-evaluete 21. mmprehensive Plan <br />~~ V1ew,ato dlrecLestafPSandrNorthwest Assocletes to Poputetlon Pro,~ections. <br />re-evaluate the pro'ecttons to the yeer 2000 as <br />stated in thc 198U Comprehensiva P1en. <br />6 ayes 0 neys <br />(Aotion Carriad. <br />