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^ ~~~ <br />~ i <br />June 2S, 1981 <br />SNORT-ELIIQTT-HENbRiCKSON, INC. <br />CUNSUL7ING ENGINEERS <br />ST. PAUL~ MINNf501A • CHIVVEWA FALLS, WiSCON5IN <br />R1Et MOUNDS VI~W~ MINl7ESOTA <br />PROP09CD OFFICE BUILUING <br />OUR FILE N0. 77039 <br />City uP Mounda VSew <br />2401 Highway 10 <br />Mounde Viaw~ Mlnneso*.a 55112 <br />Attontion~ Steve Roso <br />FOR F.M.L. & SONB CONST. <br />i V(~ ~ -- <br />-~wo,~~j,F;~F4 <br />~ci.. ~h~l'_ r <br />We have reviewed t:he eite plan aubmitted for eubject pro~cat ar.d <br />have the faiio~ing commontes <br />~, <br />8anitary Sewar <br />`~,; ~an tar- i p sewer ia available to the aite z:s well as to other <br />adjaaent propertiee. Therefore, no aenitary aewer exteneion will <br />be necessary in tho immediate vicinity nowr or in the Euture. <br />Wetermain <br />tZ!'~y w'a~r eervicQ ia not now available to the site. Thera is a <br />inch watermain acrose Silver Lake xoAd ko whir,h an in41v1dual <br />conneolion could be made by augering a eerviae nnder the county <br />roe+d, Tha developer hae proposgd to conatruct a p~ivate wal,1 for <br />domeatie earviae to the propoeed building. City policy ehou].d be <br />teviewed Co dekerrnine if a conneation can be required to be made <br />to Ehe exieting 6 inch watermain. wa wou16 recommend that, not <br />withelanding currerft city 1~.olioiAa, A t7CLVEt@ water eervtce <br />connection be required t~ be made to ths exiel•ing 6 inch <br />watetmain. We eetimate the coet oE thia aervica to be <br />~approximately $2ra00 or abUUt tlae pri.ce of a private well. <br />Eire protection is currently available from tha exiating hy~ir,ant <br />on ~he other aide of Silver Lake Road. That hydrant, however, ie <br />on the end oE a deadend 6 inch watermain. We anticipate that some <br />time in the £uturo this watormain will be connected ~.~rith the 8 <br />inch watermain recantly inotalled Eor the harlen t+ddition <br />~ <br />200COP41fR BUI40MG •.~ ~r ii7TLF. CANADA RnAD • ST. PAUL, MINNFSQU 55717 • PHONE (672) ~BI•0277 <br />~_ _.. _...........~,.._......~ .............._._...__.. <br />.. _.. ,~.,. <br />