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mr::., l. ~ <br />~i <br />Citiy of Mounde View <br />,7une 25~ 1981 <br />Page 2 <br />approximately 400 feot south oE the exieting hydrant. Whon that <br />watermain connection oecure, we would expect this proporty would <br />be asse~ged Eor part oE that impravement due to tho inareased fire <br />protection which would become available aa a result oE that <br />project. WhAn propertieA southeaetarly of thie site develop~ the <br />extension of. watermain to the oast side of Silver Lake Road will <br />becotne necesaary. tVO would anticipate that assesemont would then <br />be made to subject property ae a result of thie futur~ pro3ect. <br />We Would recommend that a developer's aqrepment be entered Lnko <br />which includea An agreement to pay future asseaemente which woiild <br />be the reeult cf a future psoject. We would recommend that no <br />addltional asaessment be made for the existing 6 inch watermain <br />in light of the high cost of the eervice crosain9 recammended <br />herein. <br />S~_t~orm Drain-a~-e- <br />~.~ 3tor~r~nage currently flows tc+ the existing county road and <br />hiqhway ditches and gutter lines. Nn atorm sewer syetem ie <br />~i available Eor direct drainage of• this site. The developar'o <br />proposal of creaCing a pond site and slowly diacharging the.water <br />to the exiating qutter of Silver Lake Road meeta the requiremente <br />of City Aeeolution 983 and ahould not have any adverae impacte on <br />properties downetream. We would recommend that the outlet control <br />structure and outlot piping remain a private faci.lity as it draine <br />no other properties tl~an that ot the proponent. <br />Recommendationa <br />We rec'- ommen~C approval of the site plan for F.M.L. and Sone <br />Conatruction subjQr.t to 'che oommente contained herein relative to <br />tha wacAtmain eyatain aud w~ter service. <br />3lncerel~, , <br />~ ~ ; ~ ) <br />~ . ~Mn.,~' ~, • ti D~ t~ i _.~ <br />'Daniel Ro Boxrud <br />jcj <br />cae Pete Knaeble, SuburbaR Engineering <br />, . ._ <br />S~`./ <br />._...._.._..__.. _ .... ~ <br />--._..__~. , ~ _ . <br />