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1981-08-19 PC Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
1981-08-19 PC Minutes
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Mounde View Planning Commieeion Auguet 19, 1981 <br />Ragular Meeting Page TWo <br />____________________°__-__-__~___~~____~_______-__'-_°_~_~~~~^~__`__~-- <br />~a light. <br />There wae consSderable diecuesion on bhe re- <br />queeted varianaee, with the Commieeionare <br />expreesinq aoncern over whether a non- <br />financial hardship was ~eing ehown~ w~~h a <br />44' ourb out versus the allowable 22' cut, <br />euggesting the qarage be turned to run <br />parallel with the houee, whethor there <br />would be adeguate viaability for the inter- <br />seotion oE Waodale and Red Oak Drive, if <br />Woodale would be furthor developed in the <br />future, if the driveway, 1E allowed to be <br />49' ;:ide, would preaent run-off problems, <br />and of putting the appliuant koo olose to <br />his neichbor by allowing the 2' variance <br />for the propoaed Pamily room. <br />mra. Hjelle replied that ~he Pelt they had <br />a non-Einanc~al hardahip aa they waro not <br />able to add on to the existing qarage due <br />to it b31ng so clo3e to the property line. <br />She 9taked the 44' driveway was being re- <br />quested for the three car garage, allowing <br />xtra room for parkinq of an 18' motor home, <br />(~nd that it was not £easibl.e to turn the <br />garage to run parallel with the houee se <br />t~ere would nat be enough room lo angle <br />intn the stalls. She etated they did not ' <br />care to move the garage further back on the <br />lot to maet the 30' setbaok requirement ae <br />it would take up half bhe back fard and also ~ <br />block Che south and wast eun Erom a good . <br />portion of her home. She added t.hat ahe <br />did have a aigned agreement from her noigh- <br />bor to allow the 2' variance for her family <br />room to abut hie garaqe. <br />OE£icial Roea added that there were no plane " <br />at thie time to extend or Eurther develop <br />Woodale ~rive, and that the propoaed 44' <br />driveway wae not considered to be a problem <br />for run-o£f. <br />M~tion/Second~ Breake/McCarthy that whereby <br />• e ann ng Commies~,on ie to uphol8 <br />thg existing City ordinanoea, and whereae the <br />requeet for variencee at 5161 Red Oak Driva <br />by Harold Hjelle for a 2' aide-yard variance, <br />a 15'. aetback varianc~, and an excess 22' ourb <br />aut, lack aufEioient non-economia hardehip, <br />~the requeet is denied. <br />6 ayos 1 nay Motion Carried <br />
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