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Mounds V~ew Planning Commiseion Auguet 19, 1981 <br />Regular Meeting ~age ThXee <br />--°---------------------------------------°°-------------------------- <br />~mmissioner Warren etated ehe hnd voted aqainet <br />the motion ae she Eelt the requeet of the <br />a~plicant had not been out oE line. <br />Chairpareon Mountin atated that 3taEf would be <br />in touoh w~th the Hjelle~e to explain tihe <br />appeal procedure. <br />Jim Houkert, 290G Oakwood Drive, aeked t£ 5. Residente Requeata <br />Cha~rpereon Mountln wao antitled to vote on and CommenLe from <br />motions. She explained that she was and that tk~e Eloor <br />she had voted on the previous motione. <br />Chairgerean Mountin explaiued that the 6. Wayne Herr Coaetruc- <br />Planninq Commleaion had not had an opportunity tion Co., Property i <br />to diacuse the memo £rom the City Attorney, Invo].ved: 2~08 Nigh- ~ <br />&newerinq their quaetlons on oondomis~ium way 10, Development <br />law and r~commended the item be tabled until Proposal, High Den~ity j <br />they had disaueeed it. Residantial, Caae ~ <br />89-91 ~ <br />Mr. Herr atated he had no objeation, as long <br />ae he was notified when i.~ would be disousand. <br />,~ <br />~iotio~n Saco~nds Breeke/McCarh.y to teble the <br />`--sequest oE Waynu Herr Construction Companp <br />until the September 2, 1981 Planjiing <br />Commiseion meebing, <br />7 ayes 0 nays <br />OfEioial Roee presented a eanitary eewar <br />plan to the Planning Ha etated <br />that khe Metropolil:an Wanta Control CommieF- <br />inn wae holding ug ite review process of the <br />Mounde V'.ew Comprehenslve Plan, aw~,itinq <br />fuxbher information on ito sanitary sewer <br />plan. Offioial Rose aaked Eor Planning <br />Commisaion approval. oE the plan so that <br />it could be forwarded on to the MWCC. <br />Motion Seconds Breske/Mc.:azty to direct <br />Sta o,,;'t;iward the Sanitary Sewer Plan <br />to the City Counail, and prepare a reeo- <br />l~tion aaceptinq tho aPeciali.zed eanitr~ry <br />aewer plan, <br />7 ayee 0 nays <br />1 ~ <br />'w.~/ <br />Motion Carried <br />7. Reaiew of Sp2aialized <br />Plans for Comprehen- <br />sive Plan Ragarding <br />Timing oE Develogment, <br />Waete WateY F1oW <br />F~recasta, Snter- <br />Community sewer Serviae <br />and Ptopaeed Trunk <br />sawere <br />Motion Carried <br />