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1982-02-03 PC Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
1982-02-03 PC Minutes
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Mounde View Plann~ng Commieaion Februery 3, 1982 <br />Regular Meehing Paga Two <br />-----------^-------------------^-^---------------------~------------ <br />f""~ Chairman Mountin etated t~at Mr, Knapp'e raqueet <br />had been reviewed at ~n agenda seeeion, at which <br />tim~ 8taff had bean dfrected to prepare a reeo~ <br />lution, <br />In dieoueeing the reeolution, there waa concern <br />with tha worA "parmanent" in referenee to Che <br /> eurEace, Official Roea zeplied that <br />the word followe Code, but it could be changed <br />to "permenent or improved", Mr, Knapp atated <br />ha would agree to that, ae he did not want eny <br />Cypa of road or drivaway put ln, <br />Motion Second: Andereon/MeCarthy to adopt <br />eso ut on Aa. 47-A?, <br />7 ayes 0 nayo <br />Official Roae reviewed the applicant's <br />requeat. <br />Mr. Johneon sCated hie businees ie a amall <br />buslnees, with moet of the care to be worked <br />on to be picked up from service statione in <br />^~ the area, se well as eome hc would be srorking <br />i J on at home. He stated he would not allow <br />~~ custamezs to leave their care overnight, <br />and Chere would rarely be more Lhan two cara <br />at his home at one Cime. <br />The Commieaionere were polled and they expressed <br />their concerns that while tihey could appreciate <br />tl:e fact 3t was a amall businesa, the area wae <br />zoned reaidential end cuxrent ?oning must be <br />maintained, hut that it might be poeeible to <br />rezotte when the eurrounding property ie developed <br />ia Che £utuxe. They also expreased concern that <br />it would be spoe rezoning, and that a great deal <br />of work has been done on the Compreheneive P1an <br />in determing what direction the City ehould take <br />on development, ancl the Ylanning CommisRion ie <br />obligaCed to try and daVelop the City eccording <br />Co that plan <br />Ghairman Mauntin rAported that Stnff had been <br />dlzected to prepare Resolution No, 46-$2. <br />MoCion-Sacond: LLnke/Warren to edopt Reeolution <br />7 ayee 0 naya <br />Mation Carried <br />Gregory A. Johneon <br />Property Involved: <br />2865 Highway 10 <br />Aezorling R-1 to S-3 <br />CUP Requaet <br />Existing 3ingla <br />Family DietriCt <br />Case 104-82 <br />Motion Caxx~ed <br />~'-~ Chairmen Mountin advised Mr. John$on of hie <br />right to appeal the decisiun beEore the City <br />Council. <br />
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