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Mounda View Planning Comcnieaion February 3, 1982 <br /> Regu~ar Meating <br />------^------~-°---------------------------°------- Rage ~tuee <br />----------~----- <br />/~ Co~iesioner Warren reported she h~d reviewed 7, Spring Lake Park <br />! <br />1 Spring Lake Park's Comprehensive Plan and she Comprehenoivo Plan <br />~ : felt Mounde View ehould make eome type of Review - Adopt <br /> atatement regarding the propoeed eignalization Recommendation to <br /> requeet for Pleasant View and Highway 10, and City Council <br /> some type of comment regarding the airport as <br /> they eeem to ekirt the iesue, as well ae Cheir <br /> etorm water proposal, which does not address <br /> the epecific problem which aoncerne Mounda View. <br /> Of£icial Rose recommended thaC in reviawing <br /> the Plan, it ehould be with the underetanding <br /> that whatever ia etated in the resolution should <br /> be something the Met Cauncil can do eomething with. <br /> Counrilmember Forsluttd reported thet Spring Lake <br /> Paxk repraeantat~ves had been preeent at the laet <br /> Council mneting to diecues the signal un Highway 10. <br /> She added that there La to he a joint cotmnittee <br /> between the Planning Commiseions of Mounds Vie.w and <br /> Spring Lake Park to work on the signalization. <br /> Official Roos stated L•hat Staf£ could add commenxs <br /> to the proposed reaolution regarding the poinY.s <br /> mada which should be covered. ' <br />~~ <br />(~ Motion Second: Breske/Warren to table further <br /> ecueaion on the Spring Lake Park Compreheneive <br /> Plan until t~e March meeting, <br /> 7 ayee 0 nays Motion Carried <br />Councilm~uber Foxslund reportPd thse the Council 8. Diecusu Past Council <br />had had the firet reading of the existing Action and Neact <br />morltori~mm ordtnRnce. She also asked that the Agenda <br />Planning Commiseion work on the driveway ordience <br />at the next work seesion. She also xeported 'that <br />RecyclYng Unlimited will be having a recyclina pick- <br />up container on the second 9atur~ay of each month in <br />the City Hall parking lot. She stated an article, <br />would be in the City NeWaletter. <br />Commiseioner Warren reported that the Planning <br />Coqmieetan muer, have ite article for the Neweletter <br />in by Friday. <br />Moti~n~Seaond: Bxeske./Andarson to retain the <br />or g"3~.n'aI a`utTiore to prepare an artical for the <br />NewsletCer. <br />; 7 ayes 0 nays Mution Carxied <br />~~ <br />~I ~ <br />f <br />( <br />l <br />( <br />