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. ... ,__.~ , T ~- <br />Mounda ViQw Plcnning Commi~sion <br />Rosolution No. 58-82 <br />Page 2 <br />. , <br />,-^~. i <br />a. Sixty porcant or moro oc Cho units, exclusivo of any 1 ' <br />or.cupied by the carotaker,,ehall bo dodignatod for ~ <br />occupancy by the eldarly for a duration oE ut laaet ton j <br />. yeare. No amQndment to the conditional use permit that ; <br />changes the designation of these unita for occupancy by <br />thd eldnrly i~hall be mada wi.thiri ton yenrs. Any such <br />emettdmant after ten years muat be a,dopted by a 4/5 vote <br />of the mAmbora of the CiCy Counci].. ' <br />b, if requf,red by the City, the owner of the property shall <br />record a rovenant on the proporty exc~cuted in a form <br />eppzoved by th~ C3ty indiaatea the facC that the ~ <br />property is designated for occupancy by the elderly. ; <br />c. The development is assisted by the U.s. Denartment of <br />Houoing and Urban Development under ona of its programe <br />for housing low and moderate incomc e1~lerly or such <br />housing is conatructed and/or operated by a pcofit or a <br />no~-profit organization which can demonstrate <br />experience and a commitment to houuinq for the olderly, <br />and provided such agency shall r.acord at least a 20-year <br />covenant and other land use controle on the property, <br />execuLed in a form approve3 by tha City, which will limit <br />use oP the property or a portian tbereof to the occugancy ~`' <br />by the elderly under the terms of the provisions governing ~Y, <br />senior citizen housing. <br />d. The„development providae for a lounge ur other inside <br />common areae amounting L-o at leaet 15 aquare feet,Eor <br />each unit. <br />e. The devalopment is provided wi,th other special features <br />whlch meet the needs of low ancl moderate income elderly <br />pereone. ~ <br />E. The aite shall be of adeyuate sizo to accommodate the <br />require3 number of parking spacea should the facility <br />aonyert 60 other R-4 permitted uses, and wlll,meet,thQ <br />rNquirements of Sect.ion AO.D5, "Ynrd itoquirements". <br />Adopted this 4th da,y of August, 1982. <br />ATTESTi <br />C a r:;~an <br />(S£AL) <br />,_., <br />Pu`5 c or s Commun y Dev~,opmen~ <br />DiYector <br />