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._----~-~- - ~. <br />~ <br />; <br />~ <br />~ ~~ ' <br />. MOUNUS V1GW I'LANNING COMhIL5StON ~ <br />. i ~tI'F~T,II'I'1':~M Nn. SIl-A2 • . <br />' ~~ C1'1'Y UI^ MUUNUS V1liW ~ <br />~. , ~~. COUNTY CF RAMSGY ~ <br />-~ I STATG OF MSNNE50TA <br />. <br />RCSOLUT7C`N RCCOMMGNUIPiG TIIC AMENDING TO CIIAPT6R 4U OF THG <br />MOUNDS VIGW MUNICIPAL CODG RGCARDING SCNIOR CITIZGN IIOUSIKG <br />~ WNEttCAS, the City of Mounda View has .rece~.ved a request to <br />' cohetruct a 40 unit senior c.itizen housinq project; and <br />~ <br />WHEREAS, the Mounda View Municipal Coda does not address <br />~ deaign criteria for senior citizen housing in itg zoning sectiunst <br />and <br />WHEREAS, the Flanning Commiasion finds the need~to regulate <br />theae typo$ of dovelopments £rUm a zoning perspect.ivei and <br />WI~L'R~AS~ the Planning Cammisa3on hns met; and is recommending, <br />that aenior citizen housing b!: included as a conditional use ln an <br />R-4 res:ldential district~ and <br />~ WHEREA3, followiny sur~~eys conducted of, other senior citizQn <br />~ ptnjects in the metropolitan area, the Planainy Commisaion has <br />eatabli3hed a definition for senior citizen housing and also specific <br />parking reqt~irements~ <br />' NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RBSOLVED L•hat the following coda <br />clarificationa ara beiny recommend~d: <br />48.02, Subd. B(all definitions senior citizen <br />hnusing wauld be renumbered) <br />Soniur Citizen Housi <br />ar that port•ion o£ a <br />ar Inaxe ~£ the unlts <br />els'over 60 years o£ <br /> over 60 <br />40.07, Subd. H <br />iq. A residential development, <br />housing devclopment, in which 60 percent <br />are doaigned for occupanr_y by individu- <br />age or by an elderly couple with,one o•r <br />yeare of aqe (M10.13~ Subci: D). <br />(28) Senior Citizen Houaing. At loast a total of nne (1) <br />apace per hous?nq unit including not 19se then one (l) <br />designated handicapped space per,handicapped unlt <br />, and at least 258 of the totel epacea ehall be na lesa than <br />11' by 20' or equivalent angle atall, inaluding the deaignated <br />handi.cappad Apacea. <br />40.13, Subd. D <br />(4) Senior Citizen tioueing. <br />