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Mounds View Planning Commieaion February 2, 1983 <br />Raqu.lar. Meeting Page Two <br />--°__-----^-^-------°--_^_-__--°--__-_-___a.__-°---`-_-______^--'^--°° <br />~~~ The Planning Commieaionara reviewsd prnpoaed Rasolu- <br />tion No. 73-83, which they had direatod Staf£ to <br />prepare, and made eugyested changas, to add the <br />approval trom the Rice Cz6ek Waterehed Dietrict, <br />to ohange "townhome" to "towi~houae" throughout the <br />resolution, and to add that a approach to <br />the eurfaced parkinh erea begi.n 5' wa~t of the <br />lot lina. <br />There was discussion on tha proposed draiciage and <br />requiremente from Rice Creek Waterahed Di.atrict. <br />Tha Planning Cov~missionars asked Technicien Kempel <br />to contact Rice Creek Watershed Diatrict and £ind <br />out whac criteria they use in reviewing a propoaed <br />d~velapmenL, and raporC back to them. <br />N/otion Second: ForslundfMil.ler tu reco~end adoption <br />o eso ut on No. 7?-83. <br />6 ayea 0 naye Motion Csrried <br />Chairman Mountin reported there are some revieions 6. Isberg Study <br />beittg made to the Isberg study, and the preaentation Discussion <br />to the Planning Comwirsaion will not be made until <br />~`~" i the revieiona are comg2ete. <br />~1 Motion~Second: Andereon/Miller to table the Ieberg <br />etudy ~scussion. <br />6 ayes 0 nays Mo[ion Carried <br />Mot3.on Second: ?larren/Andexaon to remove the 7. Election of <br />eTct3.on o t e vice ch~ir Eros the table. Vice Chair <br />6 ayes 0 nays Motion Carried <br />MoCion Second: Miller/Poralund to elect Eugene <br />n erson ae vice :hair for 1983. <br />6 ayes 0 nays Motion Carried <br />Councilmember Blanchard reported the Council had 8. Diacnss Past <br />diacuseed the year end report require3 of the Council Aetion <br />Ylanning Cc~~ission in Chapter 32, and reeo~nended and Next <br />ths Commtssion change the wording t~ read "may Agenda <br />require a yaar-end report", as'the Council felt <br />they were r~ceiving very good reporte from the - <br />_,,_ Cor~iseion a11 along. <br />~~ Councilmember Blanchard reported that on the <br />temporary sign pesmit iasue, Mr. MeFarlane will <br />have to be licensed, and that he wi11 be able to <br />take out permtta for each rental, and then charge <br /> <br />