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Mouade View Plannittg Co~iseion February 2, 1983 <br />Ra~u~ax Ma~tin$ Page Threa <br />------°-------------------~°--------°------°------_____°____-°-°---°^_°-- <br />'~ the oost baak to his customer, She added thae l:iia <br />Council would litce to rree aocnething about rha length <br />of time a teanporary sign can be in one location, <br />Technician Kampel etated the Planning Commiseion <br />would be reviewing the sign ordinance at their next <br />~rorkehop . <br />Councilm~mber Slanchard updated tha Commiseionere <br />on eha sCatue of the Anoka County Airport, and eaid <br />tha situarion bagically has n~t changed, and the <br />City ie now oppooing the R^cIL syetem. <br />Technician KFxmpel reported he rrould be meeting <br />Mr. Herbst on February 3 to diecuse conc~rns with <br />his proposal, and thst i£ everything can rie resolved <br />in time, he wi~l ba on the agenda for thA next work- <br />ehop meeting. He adde~l there were no fuzther <br />applicationa at this time. <br />Technician Kampel reported the Planning Commiseion <br />will continua to work on Chapter 43, and the sign <br />iaeue. The Co~iseionera aeked Ter,hniciau Kampel <br />to'get copiea of. the siRn ordinances from aurrounding <br />co~unitiee . <br />The Planning Commission asked Technician Ksmpel to <br />-- go back on Resoluticn No, 72-83 an8 indicate the <br />changes that were made by striking the old msterial <br />and underlining the new material, Co make it ~aaier <br />for the Counail to review. <br />Chairman Mowntin reported the attendees ae the <br />January 19 agenda meeting'were Commi'seionera <br />Warren, Anderson, Miller and Mountin, Director <br />Johneon and Technician Kampel, with Cummisaioner <br />McCarthy having an excused absence. <br />Technician Kampel stated he had nothLaig further to <br />add to the information he had given the Planttiag <br />~ommiseion already. <br />Motion Second: Miller/Andereon to ad~ourn the <br />meet ng at :19 PM. <br />6 ayes 0 nays <br />~ <br />,~J <br />Reapectf.ully eubmitted, <br />x~a k~J ~ ampe~ <br />Engineering/PZanning Technician <br />Chaixman'n <br />Report <br />10. Staff Report <br />11. Adjoursrment <br />Moti~n Carried <br />