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a7~} t7F ~..~i:' , _ _n <br />' 'Aasolution No. 73-83 <br />Page 2 <br />., ~, ._ ,i~.~,~ <br />F , <br />~ f p' <br />"' Such approval is conhingent upon the following: <br />- 1) 'Pha applicant submit tc the City a drainage plan which <br />mectn with tha .,nnrov:,i oE thc City Enginecr and Rica <br />Creek Watershed Dietrict. The drainaga plan shall <br />inclu8e: <br />;?:. <br />~G a. A single swala Letween the Cwo townhouse etructures <br />di,racti,ng drainaqo L•o a combi.ned holding araa in the <br />i;• rear yard. <br />t:,' <br />b. All wet;er from the front driveway area to be dirocted <br />~j :, to the renr yar.d. <br />Y c. An emergency overflow ~rovision be provided from the <br />~;~: holding pond to Silver Luke Road. <br />v": <br />~"' 2) The npplir.ant submitting a survey of all lote within this <br />~e1e, application and such survey to be prepareci by a reqiatarad <br />~;;~ Land surveyor. <br />~:°:;I' 3) A yrt~en space area of 13 feet t4 be provided Prom tha <br />r~" . front Iot'liua to ~he eacter2y edqe of the improved drive- <br />~i'' ~~~~ way aroa for both townhouse lota and that,tha flared <br />z;; '(~J approach to the surfaced parking area begin five (5) feet <br />wcat ,nf thc loC 1L~e. <br />i;?f <br />~ <br />Y'"' 4) Concretc curU an3 gutCer to be.prcvided with a flared <br />~~,?;;'. driv~way entrance whSch mcots riamsey County requirements. <br />ti .; ., <br />~' 5) A county road access permit be obtained from Ramsey County. <br />~i .,, : ~ <br />` 6) A forty-Eive (45) foot front yar~1 setback betwee.i building <br />and lot line be provided. <br />"' 7), prainage easements be provided for the swale between <br />~~~`' buildings, the emergency overflow raute and the holding <br />~{~c. ' pChd. , , <br />8) The. applicant submit a landscape/planting plnn, which shall <br />become part of the conditional use permit. <br />~ BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a Park Fund Deciication be pai8 and <br />devolopment agreement executed prior to tho Clerk-Administrator <br />approvinq the deed for ~Y~ subdivisioni <br />~ DC IT CURTfiEII RCSOLVCD that the Planning Commisai.oA directa tha <br />city staff to forwrad this resolution and recommendation *.o tha City <br />.-•~. Council prior to approval of the minutes. <br />~ <br />(~\,J Adopted thia 2nd day uf February, 1983. <br />~ ' , <br /> <br />... _ <br />, ~, . . , - . ,. . . ~ . . , . , .. . .. . .;r:7 <br />