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, ... ~, _ _ - .. ~ .. . ~~ ., <br />MOUNDS VSEW PLANNING COMMISSION <br />~~~.~ RE50LUTION Nn, 73-8] <br />~~' CITY OF MOUN9S VIEW <br />COUNTY OI~' RM15CY <br />STATE OT' MINNESOTA <br />RECOMMENDATION TO TIIC CITY COUNCIL REGARDING <br />PLANNING CASE 123-83, SAM DALBF.RG/GLENN HANSON <br />; i <br />, I <br />'~ <br />r;; il <br />`Tr., I <br />: <br />~; .~~~. <br />Yi`', ~ ' <br />`+.' ,' <br />;!.'r., ~ <br />~ t` <br />~ <br />!``? <br />;;'.' ~ ~ <br />V^ , .('I~ <br />i <br />~ <br />WNEREAS, the Mounda Vi,ew Planning Commission has reviewed the <br />appliaation £rom Sam Dalberg and Glenn Haneon for approval. of the <br />following: <br />1) A minor ~ubdivisior~ (2 lots into 3). <br />2) A rezoning of the ea~terly 2 of the proposed 3 lots frorn <br />R-1, Single Farily Rasidential to R-3, Medium Density <br />Residential. <br />3) A r.pnditional use perm:l- to nonetruct townhouaes on R-3 <br />zoned property. <br />4) Developmenk,approval`to construct the townhousesr and <br />WAGREAS, th= Mounds View Plannfr.g Commisaion has received and <br />has reviewed the report from City staff regarding this req'aest; and <br />, WHEREAS, the Mounds View P1annSng Commission £inds that the <br />proposed minor nubdivision request meQks minim~m Zoning Code require- <br />menta f~r square footage, frontage, and setbacks; and <br />WHEREAS,.the Planning Commiasion aleo fin3s thnt an R-3 xoning <br />is an appropriate transitional zona betwnen a Sinyle/Two Family <br />Residential zone and,Hi9h Density ResidentSal zoneJ and <br />~ WHEREAS, the construction a£ townhouses at this location is <br />also an e,ppropriate use; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RGSOLVED Yhat the Mounds Vi~w Planning <br />Commi.ssion rocommmnds to the City Council 8pproval of th$ followinq, <br />basad upon the revised site <br />1) The minor subdivision request (2 lots into 3). <br />2) The two lohs whleti front ~ilver Lake Road to be rezonad <br />from R-1, Single ramily Residential to R-3, Medium Dansity <br />Aesidential. <br />i ~,t~ <br />i; 3) A ccnditional use purmit fur the c:onetruction ~f twe <br />~ ,-..,, townhouse dwell.ings in an R-3 zone. <br />~; . ~ <br />~ 4) Dovelopment approval to construct townhouses including <br />~ito improvertients. <br />I <br />~ <br />_:, .. „,:, <br />,,, ,., . , , , , <br />, ~ _ .._ ,~~;i;~~ „ . . k , . r~ia~i <br />