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1983-08-03 PC Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
1983-08-03 PC Minutes
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Mounda Y1eW Planning Commission Auguet 3, 1983 <br />Regulax Meating Page Three <br />°------^------------------°---------------------~------------------------ <br />~The Co~tiasionore queeL•ioned how much of the development <br />ould ba within the lU0' buffer zone. Technician Kampel <br />replied that it all would. <br />Mr. Fretag apologized far noC having all the information <br />available on the plan Chat the Commiaeioners were re- <br />quesC3ng , but stnted that he had not been aware that it <br />wae needed yet, and Chat they would insure it was <br />available soon, <br />It wae questi.oaed where the roof run-off would go, b~. <br />Fretag replied that the roof is a gabled roof, eo the <br />run-off would go to a11 four directiAne, and would go <br />into the rain gutkers, <br />It wae questioned how the developer plane to control <br />K~eda on the ba~1a of the pruparCy since some of it <br />ia in the Wetland. Mr. Fretag replied that 3f they <br />~re given permiesion, they would like Co go back and <br />grade tt. The Co~uisaioners also questioned how the <br />back oE the buildin~ wuuld be maintuined, in regard <br />to the vretland in baek. <br />Tecl~ioian Kempal stated he .Ee'lt normal maintenance <br />would be an accepCxble use of the wetl.and, but that <br />~driving a piece of machinar.y through therr. would be <br />` something else. He also noted that parts of the <br />code reEer to alteratiott nf the wetland and that no <br />vagetation could bQ removed, wtiich would preden~ <br />mowing eome areas. He also noted that duxing <br />conekructioa, there wauld be c~qme typa of dieruption. <br />There was a discuseion amons the Commiecionere of <br />policinp of any activity on the wetland area, i.e., <br />~he 903 contour, srith a recommendation tfiat the <br /> Camaission wculd make a rAco~endation Ce <br />grant a variance. ' <br />It wae note3 that the exiating elevatiun would be <br />leveled off ennstructiott, w3Ch the tun-off <br />going ttorth, and tha~ the snow would be ~tacked up <br />in front of unLts 4, 5 and 6 during tha wr~nt~er, and <br />pnssibly hauled out, in case oE a heavy enowEall, <br />The Conmiissiomera queationed ~,+hat p].8ns had been mude <br />to protect the wetlund diuing conetruction. Mr. Fra- <br />tag replied that per the requirements of Rice Cxee[c, <br />two etraw balea will Ue place, and apiked into the <br />aoi1, at a cextai.n contour. <br />The Commisaionera were polled tor t[teir fealirtgs on <br />"~' the proposed development. They exprassad concer~ <br />~~t,+ith seeing mure detail ott the plan, wi1:h having <br />enough ponding area to handle tun-oEf from both <br />buildings and the fiard surPace, thaC the figurea <br />are nat ava:Liable Co o,oc; an-eite eCOrnge zeauire- <br />
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