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t±4~' , . <br />Mounde View Planning Commission <br />Regular Meating <br />------~--_°----~-------------~------~---------------- <br />/~~enCe, which could be mat and controlled through <br />' Yeleaee to the watland, Ik wae reco~ended that <br />"' they continue diacueeion to the nsxt agenda aessiott, <br />and have the developsr come in with his calculationo <br />and additioual requested i,nformation. <br />Technician 1Cempel noted that the Commissioneis, if <br />they chase, could xacor~end approval of the eiee <br />plan as is, with some epecific conditions, <br />Mr. Fretag stated they have already reviewed the <br />water otoragP eituation with the City Engineer, and <br />Chat it gnee from Unit 4 to Unit 8, acroes the front <br />of tha bui].ding. <br />Techtticien Kempel stated Chat Engineer Johnson has <br />reviewed the calculaY.i.rns and he found no problem <br />with tham or the i~it~^ plan. <br />Mottan~Second: Anderson/Warren to table further <br />dis`ctses~on and action until the next work eeseion, <br />0o August 17, 1983, and call a special'meeting, and <br />direct SC+iff,eo prepare a rough dra.ft reeolution, <br />b ayea u nays <br />~ The Commissioners asked Mr. Fretag and Mr. Cepxess <br />'~--'to hsve the following information available at the <br />August 17 meeting: the site plan to show the direr- <br />tion of the weter flow, k.he location oP tha ekimmar, <br />maintenanca of the axea below the 903' contou., <br />the lxndscaping glan, the ponding area calculatione, <br />the recommendaticn of the City Engineer, with thera <br />eo be further discusaion of eroeion control, srriping <br />of the garkin~ spaces, and clarification of the roof <br />run-oEf. <br />It wss noted that the. special meeting would begin at <br />8 PM on August 17, and that Staff ehould post a <br />notice. <br />Auguat 3, 1983 <br />kage Fpur <br />-------------- <br />Motion Carried <br />rir. Sayarkohler reviewed the rasol~Cion tha Co~issioners 6. Go.:ion Bayor- <br />had paseed earlier in the evening regsrding hia propoeal kohler (Cont.) <br />and atated that'he had no queations. <br />Motion Second: McCarthy/Andorsott to settd Resalution <br />~ediately to the Council. <br />6 ayea 0 nays Motion Cezrisd <br />°'~""Kr. Bayerkohler etated that there had been soma canfueion <br />~kith r.he landscaping plan, end thac tia would bring ib in, <br />~..:.,,.. _ . .. <br />