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Mounda View Planning ~omniselon Auguat 3, 1993 <br />Nogular M~sCing Page F1ve <br />.......a.e__~~_-____•---------------°-----°------------------------------ <br />~~ IG w~e notad ther• w~e no one prasent to represent 7, Humpal Cnstr „ <br />Htmlpsl Conetruotion, 2900-2914 <br />Hwy, 10 <br />T~ehn4oian Y.ampsl ~xplained thne Che request was Case 141-83 <br />xao~nCly brought Co the Planning Go~uiesinn, ae thay <br />nsad a CandiCional Uo• Permit immediately bacause oE <br />the Parad~ oP Horaa~, solisduled to etart Auguet 7. <br />Ha ravio*,tod CheLr appliaation and diecuesed the parking <br />availabl~. <br />oEio Bsnandi Miliar/MeCerchy to adopt Reaolut~on, <br />o,~ -,`'-ao~anding approvai of a conditional use <br />pax~aiC fox model uttito at tha Knol.lwood Green develop- <br />ipsslC . <br />6 atyee 0 nays Motion Carried <br />"fhs Planning Co~iseioners agrced to diecusss the 8. Driveway Ero~~ <br />driv~way erQOian cont:ol problem Eor a epecific sion Contr~l <br />l~a~gth of ti.m~, and carry diecuseion over to the Diecussion <br />ntxt meeting . Points that were brought up during <br />tha diecueeion wera C'hat thQre should be a coutrol <br />of on-site run-off during cnnstr.uctian, Chat a lawn <br />~hould be requirsd to be put in, specifical2y far <br />,apec homes, that s limit be eatablieked for <br />putc3ng iti an l~ps.~iaua ^urfcce dr±v?w~v in ex~st- <br />'ing homes, perliepe tyin~ it in when the ~io~e is <br />eold, khar. during new constr~etion, atraw be nsed <br />Co help cotttrol Che run-ofE, that eome type of <br />depoeiC could be required with the buildin~ permit, <br />that enring elean-up coui3 be ini.tiated sooner, <br />that no shouldera on aome of the roads are a problem, <br />and that an article could be put in the City Newsletter <br />tn help edueate tae r~gidents. <br />Technician Knmpel xepnrted that a time table hao 9. Discu~a Past <br />been put togetlier for the znning code appruval, Council Action <br />witix detes for the final adoption oi- Chapt~r. ~~0 and Next Agenda <br />and tha ciapping. He added th.nt Attorneq Meyers end <br />Engi,nser Johnson were still caor.king on it. <br />Technician Kampel reported that Dymawic Designera is <br />the only Ltem ec.teduled tor the next agenda, to date. <br />Chsixman Muuntin reported tha attendees at the Ju1y 10. Chairm~tn's <br />20 meeCing were Commieaioners Quick, McCarthy, Report <br />Miller, Forslund, Andereon and Chairntan Mountin, <br />and Cuunciltaember Blanchard and Technician Kampel. <br />~~-~~ <br />l ,~ <br />~`"~Technisian Kemgel hnd no report. 11, SCaff Repor.t <br />it wa~r requested thaC a discussion of an overnight <br />parking ban be added to the next agenda. <br />