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1984-03-07 PC Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
1984-03-07 PC Minutes
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4foundo View Plgnning Commiesion Masch 7, 1984 <br />Regular Ydeeting Page Three <br />°-------------------°-~~--------------------~---------------------- <br />/"-1 Motion 9econd~ Forelund/Lauterbach to romove the 6. Chrietopher Co „ <br />tam xam t a table, ~ Eaet 1/2 of Lot <br />2 aud all of <br />B ayee 0 n~ys Lote 3 Chrnugh <br />lI, Nordling <br />Terraoe, Includ- <br />St. Stephen <br />A P~~ 0 U~ D ing Uedic~ted <br />Right-oP-Way <br />Caee 148-84 <br />(~ontinued) <br />Motion Carrind <br />Mr, Johneon briefly raviewed hie memo of March 2, to <br />the Planning Ccuunission and CSty Council, outlining <br />hia revic~w commante of tha plan. Ha etated that, <br />in conclueion, the plan eaeme t~ meet tha intenelon <br />of the exieting codce and Ci.ty requireme~nte fnr the <br />pxeeent time, but may not aerve to aseiet in resolv- <br />ing the long term isaues of storm water management <br />for propertiea cutside the eite. <br />Tt was agreed tl~at the eituation would fall into a <br />polic:y iseue. <br />( ) Mr. Juhneon questinned ho~v far the City could go in <br />~`+-r-' reqairing ona property owrier to eolvc all, the <br />problems. He pointed out Mr. Andereon owna lQ acres <br />of the 50 ecre groblem, and aeked whether he ahould <br />ba raquired to solve the problem for everyone. Ha <br />reviewed the situation ahd etatad that the plan, ae <br />pree~nted, should not present ~ flooding problem for <br />the surroundinA buildinga; howover, if County Roed I <br />is updat~d in the f~uture, it could become a problem. <br />Clerk/Adminietrator Pauley pointed out there are <br />alternativ~e besidea the developer's gond, aueh ae <br />the church pond. <br />Co~tente from the Planning Co~iseion included that <br />this i.s one of the nicest projecta the Gity has seen, <br />but that even though the developer ie exceeding <br /> all requtremente, there could be a problem <br />in the futuxe.. <br />Mr. Jahnson etated that Chrietopher Companies has <br />indi.cated thet if a feasible solution is suggeeted, <br />they would be willing to work towerd it. He also <br />pointed out that the Ci.ty is cloae to determining <br />the fntuxe uea of money Eor the etnrm systeme for <br />,i~ the next Pive yeara. <br />~°j0' It wae queetioned whi, determines which option is <br />used for the sanitary sewer. Mr. Johnsun replied <br />that baeically, the City does not need the extre <br />
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