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1984-03-07 PC Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
1984-03-07 PC Minutes
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Mouttda Viaw Planning Commiseion March 7, 1984 <br />keaulax Meeting Page Fqur <br />' ------~-----_^__°_-^-----°----------------------------------~------ <br />1~ eew~r t4 taka care of, The developer ie •villing to <br />i build Che aystem, to ~ity epecificaCion, and he nould <br />~ either keep it as hia own, or could have ~he City <br />; muintain it. <br />C1erk/Ariminietrator Pauley added that the dasign of <br />the sower ie acceptable. Ha alea poinCed out it <br />h <br />Cit <br />d <br />i <br />h <br />' <br />oes <br />y <br />c <br />t <br />e <br />would be on private pxoperty, wh „~ <br />~ <br />not normaily maintain, and the eyRtem would be * <br />~ <br />very axpenaive to meintain. ~i <br />It wae quaetioned whether extending the pond on the 'O~t ~ <br />°~ <br />north and of the ~ite would help the eitu¢tion ~~ ~ <br />~ <br />£or watsr retainaga, and if ahnping would help. °~ + <br /> ~'Y <br />Mr. Andereon ouC21n9d Che planned conatruction <br />ment <br />d the devalo <br />l <br />h <br />t Ch 1 <br />~~ <br />p <br />annR <br />a <br />ey p <br />echedule, C o <br />as a continuoue pro~act. ~ ,D <br />Mr, Johneon stated one option could be to bring the <br />garagas up higher to be prepared for the 50-100 year <br />stornt. He aleo explained that shaping the pond would <br />not help as it would become very baggy and not draln, <br />and he Wculd prefer to see the eides sloped. <br />~--~.. The requirement for £encing wae discussed, with Mr. <br />! Andereon atating they plan on fencing along the norih <br />~ dide, beliind the garages. It wae also pointed out <br />that fencing wi12 not relieve anyo~e of liability, <br />nor ie it a guarantee for keeping children out nf <br />the ponding area. <br />Clerk/Administrator Pauley advised addreesing the <br />fenciug isane in the resolution, as the developer has <br />agreed to it. <br />There wae conaiderable diecusaiou regardin~ the St. <br />Stephen right-of-way, and whether onl,y half of the <br />right-of-way could be taken back. Mr, Andereon <br />pointed out the developmeat iacorporatea half of <br />the vacated eaeement, as the dedication procase was <br />not completed fo'r St. Stephen's Street. <br />Clerk/Adminiatrator Pauley stated he believed the <br />right-of-way would have to be vacated fully, but he <br />would have to'check with Attorney Meyera. <br />The CommisaionerA discuesed the *_imetable of aending <br />the reeolution on to the Council', with Che questione <br />that are up in the air, and were hesitant to send it <br />to the Council until aeverat decieione were made. <br />~j Mr. Johneon advised evaluatin~ Che St. Stephen'e <br />StreeC right-of-way usefulnesa within the etorm water <br />drain~ge eyete.m before a deciaion ie reached, <br />~ ,. <br />
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