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1984-03-07 PC Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
1984-03-07 PC Minutes
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~ounds View Planning Commioeion March 7, 1984 <br />Regular Meeting Pege Fivo <br />---------------•_•__-~---°-----^-----------------°---------------°^-- <br />~"1 Mr, Anderaon pointed out they are prov~ding additional <br />easements over what ia required, and thare ehould ba ~ <br />~ ample room allowod for changes, <br />Mr. Johneon poineed out tha pond caunot ba dug deaper ~ <br />to provide more etorage, ae it muet meet up the ~/i;,~~ <br />pipas at tha 899 elevation. He added the eaeement , <br />protdcte tha City from waCer from the properCy, fle ~ <br />eleo atated again Cha devaloper ehould not carry the ° ~ <br />burden of Che eolution for the antire ezea. ~.• 1 <br />Afe~r further diaeussi.on on the beet procedura to <br />follow, it was tha conceneua of the Commisaianera <br />that the questione are e ecitic enough in the ra- <br />aolution, that it ~ouia ~e approved and forwarded <br />to the Council, with languaged added to iteut 6 on <br />page 2 and an item d be addeci on page 3. <br />Motion Second: Forslund/SargenC to approve <br />eso ut on o. 102-84. <br />8 ayea 0 naye <br />Chaixman Mountin reported the attendeea at the <br />.--~, February 1S, IS84 workshop meeting *aere <br />~ Conuniseionere Miller, P.nd~raon, Quick; Sargent, <br />~ Johneon and La~iterbach, and Chairman Mountin, <br />Technician Kampel and Counti].mamber Blanchard. <br />Membere abeent wexe Commiesinner Warren, with an <br />excused abeence, and Comtiinsioner Forelund. <br />Tli~ Commissionere wiahed Technician Kampel well <br />with hie new employment, and welc:omed Airector <br />Thaf.alxer to the City. <br />Jim RuUer, 1916 Harbor Trail, Brooklyn Pnrk, <br />stated he owns the duplex aG 5055 Sunnyside Road, <br />and found out, in the procees af trying to puE <br />up a garage addition, that his property, as we17. <br />as the rest of the double bungelows on hix aid~ <br />of Che atreet, are zoned R-1, rather than R-2, <br />and that they are a non-conEorming use in the R-1. <br />He explained this wae a aurprise to him, as we11 <br />as hia neightors Fe had r„ontacted, and aeked <br />what could be done about it. <br />Clerk/Administrator Pauley explained that parCi~ <br />cular bloc'K ie nat iiaeed as either controvexeiaR <br />or non-controvexeial on the Compreheneive Plun, <br />and that the entire area is R-1. He added the <br />~ entire lengeh of the block would have to be re- <br />zoned, and the Co~nise3:onera could recommend it <br />ba added to tha liot tha Council ie woxking on, <br />, ,~ <br />t '' ~ <br />` a <br />t '„~ <br />t <br />Motion Carried <br />10. Chairman'a <br />Raport <br />
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