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1984-08-01 PC Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
1984-08-01 PC Minutes
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Mounde View Plaaning Commisaion Auguet 1, 1984 <br />Aegular Meeting Pege Five <br />--------°-----•°-°----°----------^----°-^---^--~---^--------------- <br />~ Mr. Orr measured further down tha etreet, rat•her than <br />on his block only, and he vrould now be Che cloeeat <br />" ' aetback to Edgawood. <br />Mr. Orr etaCed hie houno will be facing Hillview, <br />not Edgewood, and ha eoon will be making application <br />for a Hillvieca address, <br />Director Thatchar explained Mr, tlrr has .^orner lot, <br />where a home had burned down. He atated thare is a <br />30' minimum which he must be back from the etreet, bur <br />ha muet also be in alignment with tha exieting homes, <br />Chairman Mauntin asked Mr. Orr to define his hardehip, <br />Mr. Orr responded that thare are msny mature oak trees <br />an hi.s lot. He addad that his two neighbore have also <br />indicated an interast in purchasing some of his <br />propcsrty . <br />Chairman Mountin nuted the applicant would require <br />two vartances, one for facing Hillview and one £or <br />Che eetback. Upon discueaion, the Commiseionera <br />concurzed that I4r. Orr would be able to move the , <br />house back to b~ in conformance with the code. <br />MoYion 3econd: Quick/Lauterbach to direct Staff to <br />(,~ + ra t a reao ution £or the variance granting the <br />Hillview addreas, upon receipt of the appll.aGion <br />and payment of fees by the applicant. The 62' aetback <br />requirement muat be met. <br />6 ayes 0 naye klotian Caxried <br />It was noted that Mr. Orr vrould be ab.le to pzeaerve <br />the existing mature oak trees and use the exieting <br />driveway and garage, in granting the variance for the <br />addrese change, <br />Motion Second: Quick/Lauterbach to table conaidera- <br />t on o t e zoning code amendment for day care in an <br />R-1 district until the next agenda seseion. <br />5 ayea 0 naya Motion Cax7ried <br />Director Thatcher preaented the Cemmieaioners with <br />a copy of the pxopoeed raeolutioti regarding rezoning <br />oE properties along Highway 10. ~... ~, ~,' <br />It was recommettded the Council conc,act Dave 'Licht <br />to impletuent strategy on thie, <br />""'~ Thexe wae considerable dfacuasion among Che C~maiesioners <br />~ regarding the courae of sction to eake, <br />4r'i.. <br />
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