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Mounds View Plsttning Commiseion Auguet 1, 1984 <br />Regular Meating Paga 31x <br />---------°------------------~---------------------^-----^-------°----- <br />~'. Motion~8econdi Lautorbach/Sargent to adopt Reeu- <br />~~t o~n o.-Tf"~'-84 ead submft to the City Council prior <br />to approval of minuteo, <br />5 ayas 1 nay MoCion Carried <br />Coum~fesionar Forelund etated she had voted againet <br />the motion ae she cannot juetify rezoning the~e <br />nurcels at thie time. <br />Director Thatcher presented the Comnieaioners with <br />copiee of Raeo~ution No. 113-84, regarding the <br />rezoninge af Rad Oa~ Eetatea, iahich they hnd approvad <br />but not seQn. <br />Chairman Muuncin reported Che attendees at the June 10. Chairman's <br />20, 1984 meeting were Com~iseioners Quick, Leuterbach, Report <br />Sargent, Miller, Forslund, Warren, Chairman Mountin <br />and Director Thatcher, with Commiseionar Andereon <br />having an excuaed absence. <br />Tha attendeea at tha July 11 workehop were Coueaissionere <br />Lauterbach, Forelund,.WarrQn, Miller, Sargeat, and <br />Chai.rmsn Mountin, with Go~nisaioner Andereon having <br />/'~ an exaueed absence, and Co~isaioner quick having an <br />1~~ unexcused abaence. <br />The atCendees at the July 18 agenda aession were <br />Co~isaionera Warren. Quick, Lauterbach, Miller, <br />Andereon, and Ghairman M~untin, Director Thatcher, <br />and Councilmeaver Blanchard, with Commiaeioner Sargent <br />having an excuaed absence. <br />The attendees at the July 25 workehop were Commiesioners <br />Quick, Lauterbach, Andereon, Sargent, Miller, Chairman <br />Mountin, and Director Thatcher, with Co~isaionera <br />Warren and Pora:.und having excuaed aboences. <br />The attendeee at the July 30 joint City Council/ <br />Planning Co~isaion meetln~ were Commiseionere Quick, <br />Lauterbach, Anderaon,,Mi.ller, Forslund and Chairman <br />Mountin, CouncilmA~bex~s Linke, Slanchard, Doty and <br />Mayor McCarty, and Director Thatcher. <br />Motion Second: Quick/Lauterbach to rescind Reaoluti.on <br />o. , ixpan ~learance from Director Thatcher that <br />no action has been ta&en that cannot bc reveraed. <br />6 ayes 0 nays Mocian Caxried <br />~ Motion: Quick to table thia item until the next <br />~,I ag' en3a seaeion. <br />5 ayes 0 nays Motion Carried <br />