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,~'~° . <br />MUUNDB VIBW PLANNTNG COMMI69ION <br />~ RFSOLUTIOt( N0. 119-8a <br />ti_,' CITY OF MOUND9 VISW <br />CUUNTY OF RAMyEY <br />HTATE OF MINNESOTA <br />REBU4UTION R6GARUING DEVELOPMENT REVEEW OF <br />TWO-FAMILY DWELLING AT 2I16/2720 COUNTY ROAD J <br />WHEREAS, RoberE Koletrom le the owher of Che pYOperty <br />known ae 2717/2720 Ceunty Road J and i.s requeatlnp permieston to <br />oonetruct a two-£amily structure on said proGertyt and <br />WHEREAB, the property at 2716/2720 County R~ad J ia <br />preaently zoned a-2, single and two-family dwellinp diat+rick~ and <br />WHEREAB, the owner, Zobert Kollatrom, raqunete to build <br />the two-Eamily dwelling, bubdivide it do~rn the canter for zero <br />lot line purpoees ad eeparate ownerahipj and <br />WHGREA9, Mr. Kolstrom has provided e eite plen ehnwinq <br />proper setbacke of the two-family struchure and proposed drAinage <br />Eacilities~ and <br />'-`~ WHEREAS, Clty aknEE has received direction £rom Ramsey <br />~~Jj County with regard bo acceea o£ the grogerty and county ditch <br />drainage on the psopertyj and <br />WHEREAB, Ramsey County requeata that Che dralnaga from khe <br />couhty ditah be di.rected southward through the property und bhen <br />directed to the west for pick-up by exieting toQogruphy to City <br />drainage Eacilitieei <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HBSOLVBD that Che M~~unde View <br />Planning Commission recommends approval to Ehe City Council Eor <br />Roberk Kolstrom's twc-femily dwelling requeet aubject to <br />receivinp approval from Ramaey Caunty regardiny the £inal <br />drainaga proposal and Chapter 49A reguitemenhs Eor eaid <br />property. The Planning Commiseion elqo direete stelf to,Eorward <br />theae itume to the City Councii prior to approval oE the minutas, <br />Adopted thie 5th day crf Septembsr, 1984 <br />ATTESTi ~ , <br />C eirmen <br />43EpL) <br />D rector o Pu c Wor e <br />Community Development <br />~ <br />