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~"' <br /> <br />MOUNDB VIL~W pLANNIN6 COMMI36ION <br />~ RE80LUTION N0~ 110-8/ <br />CtTY OF MOUNDS VZL*W <br />COUNTY OF RAMSSY <br />STAT~ OF MIHNE6ATA <br />IiL~80LUTI0N AECOMMENDINO ]~P~AOVAY, OF MItiOR 8I7HDIVI820N <br />REpUEST OF EDWAAA WERDIEN FOR 6940 BILVER L7~IfE ROAA <br />WHEREA9, Edward WerdiAn har requeebad a minor subdivi~lon <br />(combining twa lota into ono)t and <br />WH~REAS, Mounda View subdivis±on Code re~Quiree that e <br />oombinatior. o! auch be approvdQ by the Plartning Commieelon and <br />Gity Counaii~ and <br />SVkBABAS hhe combination meete nll mini.mum requiramenta <br />requirad by Mounda View CiGy Coder ard <br />WH6RER3~ n minox eubdivioion es xaquaetied xequirea that <br />e eurveyor~e aertiticate be eubmitted~ <br />N6W, THEAEFORE, 8E IT RE99LVL*D tihat the t9ounde View <br />,-.~ Plsnning Cnmmiseion recommends,approval o! the minnr subdlviaiori <br />raqueat o! Bdward Wezdien eubjeat to suhmisaion o! e aurvc+yor~s <br />, cerkilionte meetinq eubdivieion ooAa requiremaitri <br />BE ST FURTHER RESOLVED Ehat should any irregularitiise'ahox <br />uy an the survayoz~a aert~tiaete thak the filing ot ths subdivieion , <br />ragueet bo dleni~d until ^uoh eime tha irregulari.iiee ara'zpproved <br />by the Piaaning Cnmmieeian and City Counail. <br />Adepted thia Sth day of September, 199{. <br />ATTEBTt <br />a r~an <br />( 3EAI,) <br />6 raotoL o P o or s <br />Community Davolopment <br />...,,, <br />~) <br />4 <br />;~ <br />i: <br />:-,.. ._ .. . ,. ,. ~, .,,.,,_~.~. .~ . .... ...... ... . ~ ,. ,. .,. .~ , ._ , . <br />