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Mounde View Planning Cnummiseion September 5, 1984 <br />Rsgular Meating Page Thres <br />----^-----^--------------------------------------~----------°-----^--°`- <br />~ Direetor Thatcher re.~orted there should not be any <br />prablem eeauring appruval fxom the Rice Creek <br />~ Waterehed Diatrict. Mr. Jensen ehowed tha Caauniaeionere <br />whera ehe drainage would be, and wharA they will have <br />on-aite detention. <br />Director Thatcher advieed a skimmer would take cara <br />of atty run-off pollution Prom the aervice stat3on, <br />but ha reco~nended the Commiseionere look at how thie <br />neighborhuod cot~erciul center would relata to other <br />neighborhood co~nercial centcre. <br />Mx. 3hardlow replied this typs of facility doea serve <br />a neighborhoad convenience fu.iction, and the market <br />relates more directly ro the zoning, with highway <br />bu~inese. <br />Directur Thatcher aeked what type of tanks would <br />have the leaet amaunt of aeepage, Mr. Jensen <br />repliad thst th? CtNtR of Minnesota pravidpa very <br />etrungenC codes for thie type of tn,~k, as to what <br />ie allowed and how it ie installed, with etandards <br />and criteria to be met. <br />Chairman Mountin reviewed the options avai~able bo <br />~ the Commisaioners, 1) request the appllcant send the <br />~ plan tfirough the City 's coneultant, Dave Lieht, for <br />reviPw of the eite plan and to addresa tha Comp P1an <br />polic~ iesuP; 2) tab2e the propoeal to the nexh <br />works~op meeting; 3) direat Staff to draft a resolu- <br />tlon of approval that would include ~peciPia <br />atandards attd reemmnend axi amendment to the Camp RAan; <br />4) direct Staff to draft a resolution of denial, and <br />give the reaeone; 5) requesti Staff conault~the City <br />Attorney, Rice Creek Waterehad Diatxict, or any othera <br />Eor additional information, or 6) forward to the Coun- <br />~i.l with no recommendakion, <br />Mr. Jenaen ~Ceted thay are atill hoping to get eame <br />conetruction wo.rk done on thia yet thia year, actd <br />would like a favorab).e endoreemeet from the Planning <br />Co~iseion this evening, and have it Forwarded on to <br />the Cauncil. <br />Co~ieaioner Mi11<.r e~ated ehe did not see any' <br />indicstion that Chie ie whst ehe long range plan for <br />the C1Cy calis for. <br />Commiesioner Andareon etatad he feelo thie would be <br />an appropr.late uee for tho parcal of Land, and it <br />_ ehould be B-3, an~ the Comp Plan ehould be readdreeaed, <br />~'Co~iesionor Sargent etated he concurred with <br />Coc~iesioner Anclerson. <br />Coc°miseioner Millex stated ehe sti11 Pelt the fssue <br />