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:,, <br />Moundo View Plannittg Co~iseion Eieptembar 5, 1984 <br />Regular Meeting Page k'our <br />--~~--~----------~------------------^---~----~--------------------------- <br />~ regarding the etrip along Highway 10 hae noC bean <br />~ reeolvad, <br />ComuieeAaner Forelund eteted ahe concurred with <br />the othare, and theq ehoul3 resolve the zoning <br />ieeua, 8he edd~d ahe would like to eee the plane <br />go on to Dave Liaht. <br />Mr. J~enean pninted out they first made applica- <br />tion on May 31, and it wao thair underetandixig the <br />property case zoned corractly For thie particular <br />uee, eed they later f~und out there wed a conflict <br />with thw ComP Pl~n. 8e etated there ia na one way <br />to plan a particular area, aud he wou.ld hope tha <br />Planning Co~iaeion woald approve the itam and <br />paee it on to the Council thie evaning, and make <br />eny riecesary changae to the Gonp YZan f.ollowiag <br />thie meeting, <br />Motion: Mi,ller to forward to Dsve Licht and make <br />concertad effort to reenlve the ieeue regarding <br />that ara$ aa it relate~ to Highway 10 an3 ueee <br />~ along Highway 10. MoCion Fai.led <br />The moti~n failed ior laek of n aecond, <br />Mx. Janeen again .n,tated hie concern with the time <br />element, pointin~ out they hsve bean bafore the <br />Planning Commieaion eince June, and would prefer <br />the Planning C;:~3eeion recommend either approval <br />or denial. <br />Chairman Mountin pointed out the Commiaeionere <br />had aeked them to cake the plan to Dave Li.cht <br />at tha Auguet 15 meeting. <br />MotlonJSecond: Axsdereon/3argent tol~ave etaff , <br />prepare a resalution recommending approvaL~and <br />Conditional Use Permit with the P].annina Commiasion <br />'to vote on the rasalution at the next agenda <br />session, an September 19, at 7:3o p.m., which wil,l <br />ba a apecial meeting. <br />4 ayes 1 nay MoCion Caxxied <br />Chairman Mountin atated ehe vatad againet the motion <br />~"s ae ehe feels tha reco~muattdation for approval ie not <br />~ in keepinQ with the epirit and.intent of the Comp <br />Plan, and it perpetue,tes commercial atrip development, <br />She added the devalopes has not baen willing to work <br />through the profesaional plannar oE the C~ty, and <br />