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Mounde Viaw Planning Cou~iseian SaptPmber 5, 1984 <br />Reguler Meating Page Fiva <br />-----------------------------------------°-------------------------°---- <br />'~'~ tljere ie no resolution to tha Comp Plan conElict <br />~ iaeue. <br />Chairman Dfountin euggzsted test wella be a condition <br />Eor the developer. Mx. .Tenean replied L•hexe are <br />better ways of determining any underground leakage, <br />such as pressure teeting, or dip atick, and that <br />appropriate City oEficials would be sble to maka <br />checka. <br />The Co~ieaioners diecussed whnt ahould be required <br />in t'he Conditional Ude Permit and made recomnendatione <br />to Sta!'E on what• to include, <br />Director TF.atcher reviewed the situntion of Mr. 6, Charlae L. <br />Koenig, atating ;.hat he had applied Tor a 4F Koenig <br />driveway setback variance, which Che Planning Case 155-84 <br />Co~isaion grantad due to hardehip, then xescinded, <br />There was considerable discueaion among the Commi- <br />aeionera and Sta£P and Che applicant ae to the <br />placement of the house and exlstit~,q driveway and <br />the optione availsble, <br />It was the cancensus of the Co~isaionere to atCach <br />~ the exhibit to the old resolution, ehowin~ the <br />additional driveway to angle over to be 5 Erum the <br />property line, after paesing the houae, in case a <br />garage ia ever rsdded, <br />Motion Second: Forelund/Anderaon to adopt Reaolu- <br />t on o. -94, approving the varianca requeat o~ <br />Charles Koenig at 7869 Greenwood Drive, <br />4 ayes 1 nay Motion Carr~:ed <br />Chairman Mountia voted against the motion ea ehe did <br />not Eeel there wae a finding o£ hardehip. <br />Director Thatcher reviewed Resolution No. 120-&4. 7. Edwssd Wezd~.en <br />Qaea 160~84 <br />Motion Secand: Forelund/Sargent to spprove Reeo- <br />ut on o. 0-8Y and forward it to the City Council <br />~efore approval oE the minutes. <br />5 ayeo 0 naye Motion Carried <br />Chairman MaurAtin noted the Condii:ional bae Permit <br />reeolution would be ready for tha epeaia7, meeting on <br />SepKember 19, which atates the eize of tha building, <br />~ etnd that ir muet be architacturally compatible with <br />th~ primary struature, no 8rivswa~y he iaatiall~d, and <br />that ahould tb~e uee be chenged the oon8itianal uee <br />psrmit wauld bs null and vaid, and othar x~quirar,ontia. <br /> <br />