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1985-06-05 PC Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
1985-06-05 PC Minutes
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Mounds Yiew Co~iesion June 5, 1985 <br />Reguiar Me~tittg Pa~e ihrae <br />--------'---°- °---°------------^------°------------^-----^°----^-- <br />~'"'1 they not Ueen renuired to provide that extra footuRe, <br />~ they would bo very alose Ca having the neceesary <br />`" equare fnotage for all the lote in question. <br />Chairman Mountin etated that the Coda epeoifies unies, <br />not frontage or equare F~otage, and recc~nended <br />getting an opinion from Attornay rleyers, <br />Mr, Haas resd from a Sta~£ rapozt dated February 15, <br />1984 whiah etated that calculat.ione would be based <br />on £rontage aud aquare Footege, aad not uaits. <br />Chairman Mountin asked Staft to discus~ the issue with <br />Attorney Msyers, draft a raeolutian and have iC ready <br />for the workahop session on .7une 19, at which time <br />they would call. to order. <br />Mr. Haas requested that the Planning Commiasi.on <br />vote on the request this e~~eni~g, and send it on to <br />the Council, as the attorney would be at the <br />Council meeting and they wotQd l:lce to get going on <br />the mattes as quickly aa pnasihle. <br />Chairwan Plountin advised Mr. Haae tl.a Council conld <br />fin.i the Planning Coffiniasion made their decision <br />r, Frithout eu££i~i~nt i.aformation and aend it back to <br />~ I the Planning Commtseion. <br />~ <br />Motion/SRCOnd: Andexson/Zollner to adopt Resolution <br />Na: T37-~, recommonding denial of Planning Case <br />146-@4. <br />6 aqes ~ aays ~ Motion Carried <br />Director Thatcher reviewed the requesc ui r^atri~:: 6. °atxi~!: T_ey?os, <br />Tayler Co do a minor subdivision at 7160 Knollwood 7160 Knollwood, <br />Drive. Case 173-SS <br />Motion ~econd: Rowley/Miller Co adopt ResoLntion <br />flo, - . <br />6 ayes 0 nays Motian Carrled <br />Director That~her reviewed the request of Kraue/ 7, Kraus/Anderson <br />Anderson to rezane the praperty loca~ed at the Case 172-95 <br />comer of Couttty Road I and Highway 1~, from B-2 <br />Co II-3, with e conditional use permit, for the <br />conetruction of s Super America etation. <br />'~~`'^ Chairman Mountin reviewed t8at the isaue had <br />~ been discussed at the juint CiC~+ Council and <br />Planning Co~isaion meeting and che Council ie <br />not in favor of rezaing that properly, with <br />one of the reasone being Chey are concexned <br />
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