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Mounda V~ew Ylanning Commiseion June 5, 1985 <br />Regular Pege Four <br />------------------------^----^--^---~--------^°-----°--------------- <br />~; wil•h what other hueineasae mi$ht 6e actraeted to <br />that lacstion iE the proparty is razonad, TC wae <br />'~ the concenaus of the Council at that meeting Chat <br />they are not willing to rezone the property at thie <br />time. <br />Mr. WinsCrom seated Kraus/Attdareon hae txiad to <br />markat Chat proper~y agreaeively for more Chan a <br />year with the nxist3ng zoning and hava not had any <br />euc4eaa, He added he feals ~he City would banefit <br />from the Councir lietening to thair preeantation, <br />and then makittg a daci.eton after tMat, He mentionad <br />that Super America is plamiing to ineluda pharmacias <br />in their new Eaci2i.tiee, and tha Mounde Vinw location <br />wonld be an ideal area £or one, kia alse etated <br />that Bonanza Restaurants has expressad a etrong <br />intereeC in building next to the Super America, but <br />they are lioiding off before signittg any agreementa, <br />waiting to see if Super is approved, <br />Mr. Winetrom ask~d that the Pla:tning Commission <br />make e recoaenendation and forward it to tAe Gouttcil, <br />He added he feela thia develapment would be very <br />pasitive for thz City of Mounds t'taw, and he ^,, <br />preeented a rendering of the site. ° <br />~' Director 1'hataher reviewed the timetable to <br />'~' daEe Lor L•l~a application. Hn atated Che Planuing <br />Commission cQUld have the applicattt come bsek Por <br />a development revtew. ' <br />Mr, Winstrem replied Cii~~y are trying to avnid the <br />coata eseociatQd with going tihrough e develooment <br />review on thi~t prn,ject. He a~ided they would be <br />wiliing to vrork with tne City and would agree <br />to the condiLiona set forth for thair development. , <br />Motion 5acand: Anderaon/2ollner to adopt Resolutf.on <br />o. , reca~ending approval of the rezoning ' <br />fXOm B-2 to B-3. <br />Comniseioner 2ollner - aye <br />Commissioner Andereon - aye <br />Commissioner - aye <br />Commiseioner Forslund - aye <br />Commissioner ltowley - aye <br />Cheix~an Mountin - aye <br />It mas atated that the Planning Crnmmiseion was dealing <br />with the rezoning as a planning iesue and noC a <br />policy iesue. <br />~/ <br />Motion C$xxied <br /> <br />