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~.,,,,,,~J <br />~ <br />MUUND~ VIGW PLANNTN4 COMMI95IUN <br />REBULUTIQN N0, 14.Oy89 <br />CITY UP MOUNDB VIBW <br />CUUNTY qF kAMS6Y <br />~TATE OF MINNEBUTA <br />RBSOLUTION DENYIN6 THE VARIANCE REQUEST FOR 2840 OAKWOp[?IpRIVE <br />WNEItEAe~ there existe on the eouthea~t inteYSection oP <br />Oakwood Dr1ve and Knollwood Drive a house which fsces Oak~ood <br />Drivs/ and <br />WHEREAS, Mr, Boyloa, the property owner, requoste to <br />build an accosaory building six inches Erom hia pruperty llnet <br />and <br />'. WHEREAS, the accessory building is proposed to be 12Q <br />square feett and <br />, <br />,~: WHEREAS~ the a<;~~asory ~JSJJing occupiee lese than 25 <br />pereent of the xear :ard= ana <br />WHEREAS, the accessory building is less than 15 Eeet in <br />heigh4? rand <br />~~1 WHEREA3~ all of the aetbacka .:i the siCe are satiaEied~ <br />j ~~ and <br />v <br />~ ~- , <br />WNBREAB, ther.e aro re~sonabte altarnativee for providing <br />~rivacyJ and <br />~' <br />~. WNEREAS, there are reasonable alternatives for a locatian <br />for the eccessory building~ and <br />WHEREAS, tAe hardship was se7.f-created by Mr. Boyl,ee <br />by inaralFing n new deek in h4s back yardj and <br />; WHEREA6, there le a lack oE unlquenaea for L•his variance <br />regueat~ <br />~ NOW, THEREFORE~ BE IT RE30LVED that the Mounde V3ew <br />klanning Commiesion deniea a 4.5 Eoot variance requeat on the <br />reac lot line at 2840 Uakwood Dtive. <br />Adopted thls 7Lh day of Auguat', 1485. <br />ATTESTt <br />. C a rman <br />' ,""`' i~~.AW <br />~ <br />~ Director~ o£ publlc Works <br />Community Developmont <br />~ , , .. ... r. <br />