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MO(1NU5 VIEW PLANNTNG COMMISSIUN <br />~ RF~ULU1'LUN NO. 141-d5 <br />CITY Od~' MUUNDS VIEW <br />' C.OUNTY OF RAMS6Y <br />FTA'f~ UF' MINNE~SUTA <br />NESOLUTIUN APPROVING A VARIANCE, RECOMMENDING <br />APPROVAL OF A MAJOR SUBDIVISIUN (2 LOTS INTO 6 ZERU <br />I.UT LINE LUTS) ANp RECOMMGNpING DEVELOPMENT APPROVAG <br />OF A DUPL6X~ MOUNDS VIEW PLANNING CA3E 175-85 <br />WHGRGA9, th~re axiats on the s~uthwest lnteraeetion of <br />County Road I 3nd Silvar Lake Road two duplexes zoned R-2j and <br />WNEREAS, Ramaqy County took approximately 975 equare Eeet <br />oE land Erom the property Eor road right-nf-~ayJ and <br />WHEREAS, the justif.ication for the hardship for the <br />v&riance ie the taking oE tha proparty Eor Counky Road I right- <br />of <br />WHEREAS, the property noeds e 530 ~quara foot area <br />varlance in ordar to have thia subctivisiont and <br />WHEREAS, the subdivision meeta all otNer requiremenCaj and <br />~~ WHEREAS, there is adequate setback from all roads and ali <br />~ property lineai and <br />WHEREAS, the property owner has agreed to provide ease- <br />mante and conetruct a etorm water retention ~ur~d according ttr <br />City requiromenla and remavo the old dotention pondJ and <br />WHEREaS, Mr. Leonard Kremer, has reyuested City approval to <br />conotruct a double bungelow 1n the City of Mounda ViewJ and <br />WHERERS, construction of this building, as requested, <br />requires approval of tha developmantr and <br />- WHEREAS, tho al~nning C~mmisafon has revfaaed Cha atsff <br />xeport and reviewod 1nEormatlon aubmitted by the app).Acant which <br />incl~des the ,followings <br />1. Devalopment plan <br />2. 51te Rurvey <br />3. Evidence of 31te controlj and <br />WNBRFAS, the Planning Commisaion has reviewed this <br />praposal and it is in contormance all Chaptocs oE the <br />Municipal Codfl, spectf.ically Chapters AU, A2, 49 and 49A and <br />l .~ State Statutast and <br />~.~ <br />~.... <br />, <br />I <br />, <br /> <br />',+s <br />i <br />... ~,.s,~„ .~.., ~ <br />