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Reaolution No. 141-B5 <br />Paqe Tw~ oE Two <br />~ <br />WHERGAS, this developmenl• does not need to ~e r9viewod by <br />the Rioe Creek Weterahed Uistrtet~ und <br />WHERBAS, the atorm water aontrol will be approved by the <br />CiCy Engineer prior to City Council approvalt <br />NOW, THENEFORE, 8E IT RE80LVEU that the Mounde View Plan- <br />ning Commiseion approves the variance request by Leonard KremerJ <br />HE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mounde VleW Plannlnp <br />Commission a•ecommends approvai oE hhn raqwlat by Leonard Kremer <br />~ Eor a major subdivlsion and constructton oP.'a double bun~elow~ <br />9E i.T PUF2TNFR RESOWBD that q development agreament be <br /> lnto botween the City and Che devalopec whlch includea <br />the followings <br />1. Exbibices <br />a) Site, gra~ing and uCility plan <br />b) Davelopmenl plan <br />ej Site eurvey <br />d) Legal descriNtion <br />~ e) Ordinanco Ao, 49A 7-year perEormance bond <br />~ `~. .~ oE $1,UOO.OU <br />:.~ F? Building ~lans and spaciEicationa <br />2. Securiky for the development in an ~mount to be <br />cietermined, <br />3. ExP~ibit 2A to raq~ire tha Eollowin~: <br />a) Securo approval from Ramsey County for curb <br />cuts. <br />b) Payment oE all City expenses ebove artd beyoad ~ <br />amaunte prsviously submitted. " <br />e) Other itemy ae may be requlred by the CiCy <br />C~uncil. <br />, BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that the Mounda Viest Planning <br />Commiasion diroct atafE to Eorward tt~ta resolution to the City <br />Council priar to epproval oE the minutea, <br />Adopted thls 7th day of August, 1985. <br />' ATTESTi <br />-"`^ C a Yt~T m~an`-"`°"~'""''' <br />~ {SEAL) <br />D c~ctor uE Pu c Work~ <br />Communlty pevelopmaht , <br />_..,.. _.. ,e._:,.... ,,,,,,.s:, .. , <br />..,.. .....:.. . ...._, . . <br />, . ,. . , .. . ._ _ .... .~i ,.,,,a4.~,u <br />