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,*;., , . . ._ . <br />` RESULIlTI6N NU. 137A-85 <br />f~~ <br />CITY UF MOUNDy VTEW <br />_ CUUNTY UF RAMSEY <br />STATE OF MINNtSOTA <br />RECOMMENDATIUN TU THE CITY C.UUNCIL REGARDTNG MUUNDS VIBW <br />PLANNING CAdE NO. 174-85, RONALD L. RICNARD54N <br />WHEREA3, Ronald L. Richardeon has raquested City epprovwl to <br />conatruet a self-eerve car waah near ehe aouthwest aornar nE County <br />Ruad H-2 and tlighway lU 12320 tiighway 10) in tha City of Maunda <br />Viewi end <br />WHEREA3, consl•ruction of this building, as requested, <br />re~uires appraval of the development, minor eubdivlaion and <br />conditional ~ers permitf and <br />WHEREAS, the Planning Cammissien haa reviewed the staff <br />report and reviowed information submithed by the applicant which <br />includeo tho followss <br />1. Deyelopment Plan <br />2. Sil•e Survey <br />~~. 3. Evidence of Site Controlt and <br />f~ <br />~ WHEKEAS, the Planning Commission has also rovieHad this <br />propasal and iY. is in conformance with all chapters of the Municlpal <br />Code, speci£iaally CheyCer 40, A2, 49, and 49A and Stata S[atutee~ <br />and <br />WHBREAS, thia development does not need to be reviewed by the <br />Ricg Creek WaCershed Diatricti and <br />WHEAEAS, the storm Watec Control will be approved by the City <br />BngSneer prlor to City Counci2 approval~ and <br />WHEREAS, the Minnesota Department of Transportati~on vozbally <br />steted that they cannot deny the requeat Eor a curb cutr and <br />WHER~AS, Glen Van Wormer oE Short-Elliott-Nendrlcksnn, and <br />~he CiEy Enginaor havg r+aviewed tha proposed curb cut with eespect <br />to whether or not tba curb cut ahould also ~rovLde accosa to tha <br />vacanC lot to the rsouth~ and <br />WHEREAS, the distance ~etween this proposed curb cut and the <br />future curb cut on the vacant lot is racommended to be a minimum ot <br />180 Eeetj and <br />,,,;~ WHEREAS; the trafEic using the r~e1E-so2vice car wash will be <br />~ relatively low and en access to tlte vacant lot t,o the south can be a <br />minimum of 180 fest Ernm the curb cutj and <br />