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, ,. <br />F1UUN08 VIEW C~LANNiNG CUMMI98ION <br />RESOLUTION Nq, 137A-05 <br />' ~ PACi6 TWO OF TNRBE <br />Sr,~+i <br />WNEftEAS, the engineere reaommend a curb cuC £or this aar Weeh <br />and a aeparata cdrb cut for tlye vaaant lot to the souCh when it ie <br />davalopedj dnd <br />~ WH~REA3, atate law states thnt if the Compreheneive Lend Use <br />Plan end khe zoning di.eagree, the zoning on e loh c~ntrola,tha land <br />uee~ <br />NOW~ THEREFORE~ BE IT 12ESOLV6D that the MQUnde VieW Plannin~ <br />Commiaeion recommends approval of the request by konald L. <br />Richatdaon and amend the Comprehensive Land Use Plan to reflect this <br />U80( <br />86 IT FURTH~R RE30LV~:D that a development agroemont be <br />entered into batweon the CSty and the developer which includes the <br />Eollowingr <br />1. Exhibitst <br />a) 31te, Grading and Uttlity ~lan <br />b) Development Plan <br />c) Bite Survey <br />r~~ d) Lega1 Descriptinn <br />! a) Ordinance No. 49A 7-Year Perfcrmance Bpnd <br />of S1~OUJ <br />~" £i Building P2ana and Specifications <br />g) Landacaping <br />2. Sacurity for the developmenC in an amounb to bn <br />detarmined. <br />~ 3. Exhibit 2A ko reguire the fullowing: <br />a) Paved par.kin9 acea to use 8-6-18 cucbing . <br />E) Ten feeh qf landscaping and screening at the <br />boundarias oE the reaidential dtstrict. <br />cI Tan feol maximum height on lighk at north end oC kha <br />lot. <br />d! Appr~val fram MnDOT for access to Highway 30. <br />e) Payment of a11 City expenses above and bwyond <br />amounte pr.eviously submitted <br />f) Othar items as may be by the City Councii. <br />.'°`~ B6 IT FURTHER RBSOLVED that the Maunda View Plannlnq <br />Commiexion recommends that a conditional uee pormit be gCenCad which <br />~~' includas Che above items and the following itemss <br />; <br />; <br />~ <br />, , .,.. , <br />. , _ . . .. , ..,~r <br />