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Mnunde Viow Planning Comm~es~on 9eptemher 4, 1985 <br />Ragular Meeting <br />°-^____-_____'-_^'_--°°__-~-°-'----_____-^-____`__^---- Page Two <br />°'°_~-'___'~___-_ <br />~~. <br />~ Dire~tor Thatcher axplained thet thQ Counoil had eskad 6. Electrio <br />the Planning Commisalon to addrese thie planning EquiFment <br />progoeal tonight rather than waiting for their next 5ervice Corp. <br />aqenda session, to speed up the procese. He ebatnd Case 181-85 <br />that Staff hae reviewed the propaeal and finde no I <br />maJor probleme wlth ik a.nd would reaommend tha ', <br />Planning Commiseion discuse St at khie time. ' <br />Dan Ric~nann, of Aokerson euildinq C~rporation, raviowed i <br />khe proposed plan for the davelopment. He explained ~ <br />they ars working on the lan~eoaping plane, tahioh wi11 be I <br />generoue, and wi11 hava them into City Hall as ~oon ae ~ <br />poseible. ~ <br />Dennia 5ewi11, preaident of Electrtc Equipment Service ~ <br />Corporation, ~xplained they presently empluy 16 people <br />at their facility in Fri.dley, and project they will have <br />30 employees within the next two yeare. He reviewed ~ <br />the planned uee of the future storage building and the <br /> <br />o~~tdcar gravel. area. i <br />Erian Sjoberg, buainess manaqer of Electric Equipment <br />8ervice Corporation, explained the process usod in the <br />waste storage handling, and he presented a synopais of <br />r~"~, hazar3ou~ wcnte activit•y a~ it: parbaius L•o tiieir <br />~: company. Ha added that everything concernina the waste <br />is requlated by the County, as well ae by the EPAf MPCA, ,. <br />and St~ate. <br />Clerk/lfdministrator Pauley reported that Staff has <br />contacted the City af Fridley and found thut Fridlay <br />:~as had only poaitiva experience with thie firm. Ae <br />reportal'also that they had contacted kha MFCA, who ~ <br />will not give aut references,,but werc told that the <br />MPCA had no negative comments to maka. <br />~ Mr. 6jak~+rg explained that while thay have a temporary <br />j permit now for akorage of hazardous waste for per3oas <br />~ oY ;io longer than 10 days, they plan to apply for an <br />~ over 10 day permit in ths future, due to th~ convenirr.ce <br />( and coat e.ffeotiveness. He emphasized, however, that <br />their fism is'in the biisinese of diaposing of hazardoue <br />waete, not st~ring it, and they would have no incentive <br />I to ever storo ::L- on thoir property. <br />~ Director Thatcher reviewod the con3itione recommended <br />~ ~n the development agreement. Ha pointed nut tk,at 10 <br />I porcent of the proposed bul.lding would be used for ;:ha <br />etorage oc hazardou~ ~aste. ° <br />~ ~'~ Mr. &ewill explained thak 1000 equara feet oE the build^ <br />~ ~~' ing would be diked, as the hazardoue waete would ba <br />stored in the main bullding to etart with, and then moat <br />lihely moved to the atorage building, once the firm has <br />, grown enough to require that building to be conetruot~ed. <br />