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Moun~a View Planning Commiseion Septamber 4, 1985 <br />Regular Zleeting Paga ThreA ~ <br />~----_____-~~__-'__^_^_-__^.___-_~_~_°__~«~~_.-~----_~~--~~_~~_~-_~^_-~_--- ' <br />/ ` <br />Commissioner Z~llner queat.loned what would happen na <br />far as the hnzardous wastes are cancerned if there ~ <br />were ever a fise in the building. ShA etatAd she feala ~ <br />an obligation to th4 residente of the community to ~ <br />coneider a12 pogsibilities and protact tham. , <br />i <br />Mr, 8swi11 replied there are many unknowns with nCB'e~ ~ <br />but thay would be ylad to brinry in an of~icial position ~ <br />fro~ thn EPA. Ho added that the wholA building will be <br />epLinkled, , <br />Mr. Rictunann painted out tt~e area for the hazardous <br />waete would ba a dry sprinkling aystem. <br />Mr. Sjoberg alao pointed ouk t.hat a disclosure would <br />be made to tha flre department, advising them oE what <br />type of businese was baing operated and what type af <br />waste waa beinq stored. <br />nirector Thatcher etated he felt there would be <br />adequate fire protection,,,considering what ia <br />requir.ed by the County, MPCA and EPA and the guidallnes <br />khat would have to ba followed, <br />'~ Cierk/AcLuta,ietrator Paulay ~dcised thut th~ ftrs depart•- <br />~~ ment would automatically be given information on the <br />huilding anc~ lta operation. <br />Cammiaeioner Foralund questioned whether an acceaeory <br />tuildiny in the €uture would require a cond±.tional use <br />permit,, <br />Dizcetor Thatcher xev:lewed L•he section af the code <br />whera aacess~ry buildings would be allowable znd he <br />poin~.ed out that they could not possibly include in <br />the code a11 buslnessea or servicee that could be <br />provided. <br />Cler;k/Rdminietrator Pauley explained the Ciny is <br />exclud.ed from adopting anything more reecrictive than <br />State regulationa. He added the State has the'naceseaxy <br />pe.reonnel to inapect and control this type of operetion. <br />Dizector Thatcher suggested including in the development <br />agreement that the applic~nt zbide by State lawn, EPA~ <br />MPCA and Ramsay County standarda. <br />Mr. Richmann pointed out khe fire protection agency <br />will regulate what type of aprinkling•ie to be used. <br />Commissioner Zollner asked if by ailowing this campeny <br />~ to etore hazardoua waste, they would be op2ninq <br />up the door to other busl.neas, wtrich eouid pzeaent <br />problems. <br />