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'1a• . . <br />' Moun3e Viaw Plan:~ing Commieaion <br />Rogular Meeting <br />--'-_-~"---~ ~^----°~ -'---°- °-..-~-~ °--~..~ <br />airmun Mountin etated she feels tha Planrting <br />_,: nunission 1s hear.lnq about things vc~ry late, or <br />a~ter tha faqt, and ahe would like more notification <br />and conaideration £rom the Citiy Council. <br />Clerk/Adminiatrator Pauley expleinad that meny thinga <br />move very qul.ckly, and he will esk Director Thatcher <br />to keep the Planaing Conuniseion apprised as to what <br />is goinq on. <br />The Commiesioners expressed concern over how to <br />eneure that the fence ie cnoved, and changed thA <br />propoae8 resolution to etlpulabe that it must be <br />moved bef.ora the City approvea tho minor subdiviaion. <br />Motion/3econds Andereon/Miller to adopt aesolution <br />No,~ 8-~ecommending approval to the City Council <br />of Mounda View Planning Case No. 182-85, a minor <br />subdivision for 2609 County Aoad T. <br />4 ayoa 0 naye <br />Novetnber 6, 1985 <br />Paga Four <br />_ ^- °----^ ~---.... ~---~ <br />7. Phyllis Leenerts <br />2609 CounL•y Rd i <br />Caee No. 182-85 <br />Motion Carried <br />It waa agreed ko carry discussion on hazardous wastes 8, qctiun Itema <br />`ver te tha next aganda sassicn, when e11 rnm;nissioners <br />~~ould ba preeent. <br />Director Thatcher raported the attendaes at the 9. Chair~an!e <br />Or,tober ib, 1985 acend~ seeslon wcse Cainmiosioners Ropert <br />Andesaon, Mi].ler, Forslun8, Zollner, Chairman Mountiu <br />and himself. , <br />Director Thatcher reported he would be sending in 1G', ~taff Repnrt <br />tk,e, eegiatrations foz the Planninq inetitute <br />conferenr,o. <br />The [~lanniag Commissfon meeting was adjourned at 11, Adjournment <br />9c35~ PM. <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />~ ~/~% ~~~~;~r"' <br />Stet~en Thatcher <br />Puhlic Works/Community Dovelopment Director <br />'~/ <br />~ i <br />.,..... , . ,:...„».. ,,,.,:.,~„ „ <br />. .. . :...:.. . ....: ... . ... ... ~, .. ,: , . ,_,.,, . , , .:. , - ., .. <br />