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Mounds View City Council February 27. 1989 <br />Regular Meeting Page Five <br />-------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br />Motion/Second: Wuori/Hankner to approve the second <br />reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 453, amending <br />the Municipal Code of Mounds view. by amending Chapter <br />40 entitled "Zoning", and waive the reading. <br />Councilmember Blanchard - aye <br />Councilmember Wuori - aye <br />Councilmember Quick - aye <br />Mayor Hankner - aye <br />Clerk/Administrator Pauley explained this was placed <br />on the agenda at the request of the Council, as a <br />continuation of the discussion from the last Council <br />meeting. He explained what has been done so far on <br />this study, and that this is the first district in <br />the City that this process has been started in. <br />Public Works Director Minetor asked that the study <br />be officially accepted and that Staff be authorized <br />to negotiate an agreement for the preliminary plans. <br />Motion/Second: Quick/Wuori to officially accept the <br />Edgewood Drainage District Feasibility Study and <br />direct Staff to negotiate with Short, Elliott, <br />Hendrickson for preliminary plans for those features <br />that need to be constructed in conjunction with the <br />reconstruction of Long Lake Road. <br />4 ayes 0 nays <br />Public Works Director Minetor reported they should <br />have something back on Ardan Avenue within the next <br />two weeks to 30 days. <br />Motion Carried <br />13. Continue Review <br />and Discussion <br />of Edgewood <br />Drainage <br />District <br />Feasibility <br />Study <br />Mayor Hankner reviewed the concerns previously express- 14. <br />ed by the Council concerning the official newspaper of <br />the City, with problems-being experienced in coverage, <br />accuracy and delivery. The Council had approved a <br />three month period in January with the New Brighton <br />Bulletin, and that period will end on March 4. <br />Councilmembex Blanchard stated she would be willing <br />to try the Focus and see how it works. She added-she <br />is concerned with delivery and with how the news comes <br />out. <br />Motion/Second: Wuori/Quick to designate the Focus as <br />the City"s official newspaper for 1989, effective <br />March 4, 1989. <br />• 4 ayes 0 nays <br />Motion Carried <br />Continue Dis- <br />cussion and <br />Consideration <br />of Selection <br />of Official <br />Newspapers .for <br />1989 <br />Motion Carried <br />Mayor Hankner stated this needs to be evaluated through- <br />out the year, and they need to check with others also. <br />