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' Mounds View City Council <br />Regular Meeting <br />Fire Chief Fagerstrom presenter <br />Council and reviewed them. He <br />considerably for 1988 vs. 1987 <br />catefories of calls. He added <br />seems to be equally busy. <br />March 13, 1989 <br />Page Two <br />-------------------------------------------- <br />~ hand-outs to the 7. Fourth <br />stated calls were up Quarter Depart- <br />and revi-ewed the ment Head <br />that 1989 so far Reports <br />The Council indicated they would like to tour the <br />updated fire station, after they review the capital <br />budget submitted. Fire Chief Fagerstrom added he <br />was continuing to work on pay equity. <br />Mayor Hankner closed the regular meeting and opened <br />the public hearing at 7:17 PM. <br />Clerk/Administrator Pauley reviewed the proposed <br />modifications to Development District No. 3. He <br />explained the City is proposing this location, re- <br />sulting from the SYSCO park land dedication, be <br />utilized for a well, water tower and water treatment <br />plant, and asked Council authorization to amend the <br />plan to allow this use. He further explained this <br />could be an optional method of financing the work <br />and reviewed the avenues open. He stated the <br />Planning Commission had reviewed the request and <br />adopted Resolution No. 244-89, supporting this. <br />• Clerk/Administrator Pauley stated that if the <br />Council was in agreement, he would prepare a reso- <br />lution for consideration at their March 27 meeting. <br />Mayor Hankner closed the .public hearing and reopened <br />the regular meeting at 7:22 PM. <br />Councilmember Quick stated he was in agreement with <br />this proposal, as it looks to the future and keeps <br />the options open, as well as helps promote the <br />guality of life. <br />Motion/Second: Hankner/Quick to give Staff direction <br />to prepare a resolution for the Council's considera- <br />tion on March 27. <br />4 ayes 0 nays <br />Mayor Hankner explained there is presently one <br />opening on the Environmental Quality Task Force, and <br />possibly two, and the Council had reviewed the <br />application received last week. <br />Motion/Second: Hankner/Wuori to appoint Carol Ann <br />• Christensen to the Environmental Quality Task Force <br />for the remainder of Ann Bray's term. <br />8. Public Hearing: <br />Consider <br />Modifications <br />to Development <br />District No. 3 <br />Motion Carried <br />9. Consideration <br />of Application <br />To Environmental <br />Quality Task <br />Force <br />4 ayes 0 nays Motion Qarried <br />