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DATE APPROVED: 4/24/89 <br />PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />CITY OF MOUNDS VIEW <br />~~ RAMSEY COUNTY, MINNESOTA <br />Regular Meeting <br />April 10. 1989 <br />Mounds View City Hall <br />2401 Hwy. 10, Mounds View, MN 55112 <br />------------------------------------------------------------------------ <br />The Mounds View City Council was called to order by <br />Mayor Hankner at 7:00 PM on Monday, April 10, 1989. <br />The Pledge of Allegiance was said. <br />MEMBERS PRESENT: Councilmembers Quick, Blanchard, <br />Wuori and Mayor Hankner. <br />ALSO PRESENT: City Attorney Meyers, Clerk/Admini- <br />strator Pauley and Public Works Director Minetor. <br />Motion/Second: Blanchard/Quick to approve the <br />• March 27, 1989 minutes as presented. <br />4 ayes 0 nays <br />Attorney Meyers advised the City was being presented <br />with a settlement from Williams Pipe Line Company, <br />of several lawsuits which resulted from the pipe <br />line explosion in the City on July 8, 1986. He <br />reviewed the history of the pipe line that runs <br />through Mounds View, going from Roseville to <br />Duluth. The explosion resulted in the deaths of two <br />Mounds View residents, serious injury to another, <br />and considerable property damage. The death and' <br />injury claims have been settled and while they are <br />sealed, it is assumed they were highly compensated. <br />A number of claims were made for diminution of <br />property values and many of those have been settled <br />also. The City became involved as of the date of <br />the explosion, in the interest of protecting the <br />public health, safety and welfare of the residents. <br />Attorney Meyers reviewed the process the City went <br />through and the various government bodies who have <br />jurisdiction over pipe lines, and new bodies that <br />were created as well as actions that Mounds View <br />took to insure the future safety of its residents <br />in relation to the pipe line going through the City. <br />Fines that were levied against Williams Pipe Line, <br />in excess of $300,000, were the highest ever levied, <br />with $115.000 being the specific result of the lack' <br />1. Ca11 to <br />order <br />2. Pledge of <br />Allegiance <br />3. Roll Call <br />4. Approval of <br />Minutes: <br />March 27. 1989 <br />Motion Carried <br />5. Approval of <br />Settlement <br />Agreement, <br />General Release <br />of All Claims <br />and Assignment <br />Between the <br />City of Mounds <br />View and <br />Williams Pipe <br />Line Company <br />