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Mounds View City Council April 10. 1989 <br />Regular Meeting Page Two <br />of corrosion protection. While that is small compen- <br />sation for the deaths, injury and damages. the City <br />was successful in negotiating an agreement with <br />Williams Pipe Line for installation of remote control <br />shut-off valves, both south of the City and north of <br />the City. <br />Attorney Meyers explained the City's purpose from the <br />very beginning was to protect the citizens, in re- <br />quiring the pipe line to either be removed'or re- <br />placed. He added the City expended large sums of <br />money in the processr and this settlement takes <br />that into consideration. <br />Senator Steve Novak explained the lawsuit was very <br />important, in that it provided the State time to <br />react and'look at the issue in depth. He reviewed <br />legislation that has resulted from actions taken <br />by the City. and he commended the City for the <br />actions it has taken, and settlement of the lawsuit. <br />Bill Foster, an attorney representing the City in <br />the lawsuits stated he had received a settlement <br />check from Williams Pipe Line Company, payable to <br />the City, in the amount of $250.000, along with <br />the settlement agreement to be signed by the <br />Council. <br />Mr. Foster reviewed the terms of the agreement, with <br />Williams Pipe Line Company agreeing to drop all <br />claims against the City in return for the City dropping <br />all claims against Williams. Williams Pipe Line Com- <br />pany agreed to compensate the City in the amount of <br />$250.000, with all lawsuits to be dismissed, with <br />Williams being able to continue their operation. in <br />compliance with guidelines and federal regulations. <br />Motion/Second: Blanchard/Hankner to authorize the <br />Mayor and City Council to execute the agreement with <br />Williams Pipe Line Company. <br />4 ayes 0 nays Motion Carried <br />Mr. Foster presented the check to Mayor Hankner. <br />Former Representative Dan Knuth stated the memory <br />of the explosion in Mounds View and subsequent <br />actions is indelibly etched in his memory, and he <br />commended the City on the resolution. <br />• Mayor Hankner thanked the City staff, <br />attorneys, Clerk/Administrator. Public Works'depart- <br />ment, Police department. Fire department and all <br />those who helped out so'greatly. She stated one of <br />the most important things she had learned was to <br />challenge what people say and do• and do not always <br />assume someone else is protecting you. <br />