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• Mounds View City Council April 24, 1989 <br />Regular Meeting Page Five <br />-------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br />Finance Director Brager reported the City`s insurance 13. Presentation <br />coverage expires April 30, and he introduced Charles of Bids for <br />Clysdale, of the MacGuire Agency. Insurance <br />Mr. Clysdale reported there were not many changes <br />this year over last year, and he reviewed the <br />premium summary and deductible options. He <br />explained the substantial savings in the options, <br />and he compared the proposed coverage for. the <br />new year against last year by category. <br />Attorney Karney explained inverse condemnation <br />coverage, and recommended the City choose that <br />coverage. <br />Mr. Clysdale reviewed the workers comp coverage <br />and recommended the coverage be placed with the <br />League program. <br />Mayor Hankner stated she could remember six <br />years ago the City paid only $30,000 per year <br />for coverage, and they now are paying $136,000 <br />per year. <br />Motion/Second: Hankner/Quick to approve the <br />renewal of the policy with League of Minnesota <br />Cities for. workers comp, at a total cost of <br />$116,718, and enter into an agreement with the <br />MacGuire Agency for coverage. <br />5 ayes 0 nays 5 ayes <br />Mayor Hankner acknowledged a guest in the audience, 14. Presentation <br />Bob Helseth, who is the recipient of the ~ of Mounds View <br />Community Service Award. Business Park <br />South Develop- <br />Clerk/Administrator Pauley updated the Council on ment Proposal <br />progress of Mounds View Business Park, reporting and Wetland <br />that Bakers Square will be moving their entire Alteration <br />production operation there on September 1, and will Permits by <br />be putting in in excess of $1 million in improve- Everest <br />ments. He added they will be hiring a large Development, <br />number of workers. Ltd. <br />Tim Nelson, of Everest Development, explained he <br />was present to introduce the Mounds View Business <br />Park South development proposal and review the <br />request for wetland alteration permits, as proposed <br />by Everest Development. He explained the project <br />is designed as a PUD, and they are requesting a <br />general concept plan and initial development <br />approval. <br />